Health & Safety

Consultation with Trades Unions

Responsibilities and arrangements expected for the health and safety management of consultation with trade unions.

Code of Practice

Recognised trade unions are represented on the University Health and Safety Committee, which is the main forum for discussion on health and safety throughout the University.

Faculty Operating Officers/Directors of Professional Services will consult with trade union safety representatives in their Faculty/Directorate on changes likely to affect the health and safety of union members represented; arrangements for appointing competent people to assist in health and safety matters; and provision of health and safety information and training. Appointed trade union safety representatives may attend the Faculty/Directorate/Unit health and safety consultative group meetings.

The University will provide reasonable facilities and assistance to enable safety representatives appointed by recognised trade unions to carry out the functions laid down in the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations, as amended by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.

These safety representatives will be given time off to attend training approved by the TUC or appointing union. Representatives wishing to attend this training notify Human Resources and release will be given, subject to the agreement of their Faculty Operating Officer/Director of Professional Service.

Please see for the HSE's Health & Safety Representatives pages.


Further guidance

  • HSE advice -
  • HSE advice –
  • HSE guidance leaflet -

The content of this section is reviewed annually, last reviewed 2022