Health & Safety

University Radiation Protection & Radioactive Waste Advisor

Radiation Protection Adviser

  1. Providing competent advice to the Vice Chancellor, University Secretary, Radiation Protection Officer and Radiation Protection Supervisors, on matters of ionising radiation protection.
  2. Advising the University Health & Safety Committee on the implementation of the University Health & Safety Policy with respect to ionising radiation protection matters. This will include an annual report.
  3. Advising on graded approach of notification and registration under the Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017
  4. Advising personnel in charge of the design and construction of new buildings and the modification of existing buildings on matters affecting radiation protection.
  5. Advising on: 
    • implication of relevant statutory provisions;
    • storage, distribution and disposal of stocks of radioactive substances according to the registrations and authorisations granted by the enforcing authority;
    • restriction of exposure and the maintenance of engineering controls and other equipment provided for the purposes of such restriction;
    • feasibility of restricting, to as low a level as is reasonably practicable, the exposure of employees, students and other persons who may be exposed whilst on or near University premises;
    • identification of controlled and supervised areas;
    • control of access to controlled areas;
    • personnel dosimetry and area monitoring;
    • drawing up of written systems of work and local rules;
    • selection of Radiation Protection Supervisors and Radiation Protection Officers in Faculties;
    • training of Radiation Protection Supervisors and other staff and students in radiation protection;
    • hazard assessment and all appropriate contingency arrangements; and prior examination of any plans for new plant or new premises or modifications to existing plant or premises from a radiation protection aspect.
  6. Investigating abnormally high exposures, over exposures and significant incidents.
  7. Co-operating with the University Occupational Health Service in the provision of occupational health surveillance and monitoring where necessary.
  8. Assisting with periodic inspections and audits of University premises where a radiation protection input is required.
  9. Representing the interests of the University at meetings of bodies whose activities may influence radiation protection at the University.

Radioactive Waste Adviser

In order to fulfil the University's legal duties under the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010 (EPR2010) the Environment Agency requires holders of permits to purchase, store, use and dispose of ionising radiation sources to appoint a Radioactive Waste Adviser.

The Radioactive Waste Adviser will provide advice to the University on radioactive waste management and environmental radiation protection including:

  • Achieving and maintaining an optimal level of protection of the environment and the population;
  • Checking the effectiveness of technical devices for protecting the environment and the population;
  • Accepting into service, from the point of view of surveillance of radiation protection, of equipment and procedures for measuring and assessing, as appropriate, exposure and radioactive contamination of the environment and the population;
  • Undertaking regular calibration of measuring instruments and regular checking that they are serviceable and correctly used;
  • Understanding the limitations of the advice that they are able to give and be able to recognise when further specialist advice is needed;
  • Clearly conveying to the University what additional specialist advice is needed and understanding the resulting advice that is received. Where this advice is obtained from a number of specialists, consolidate this advice into recommendations for the University.

July 2012 (last revised February 2018)