
Some ace Sound facilities!


We have a range of great spaces and equipment for Music and Sound

Whether you are starting out your sonic journey on our BA in Music and Sound Production, joining our MA in Music and Sound Design or beginning your research trajectory with our PhD in Music and Sound Arts, you will be able to enjoy some great facilities at Greenwich.

You will get access to a variety of sound spaces - including our new immersive theatre facility - and to what we think is some exciting gear. All this will help you to explore a range of different sonic options.

Your studio-time may involve composing multichannel electroacoustic music, soundtracks for film, experimental audio-visual films, noise music, installations or developing work for performance, immersive theatre, games-based experiences, heritage content and VR.

So, what have we got?

OSound Studio 2 Sound Studio 2Sound Studio 3Spatial Audio Labur facilities comprise:

  • Sound Lab: teaching lab with 20 iMac workstations and 7.1 Genelec system (8050 FCR LRs LRs; 8040 Ls Rs; 7050 LFE).
  • Sound Studio One: stereo ADR and Foley studio with Genelec 8030 monitors, AVID Artist Mix and MOTU 8Pre interface.
  • Sound Studio Two (see the first and second image to right): stereo mix and analogue synthesiser studio with ATC350mkII and Genelec 8030 monitors, AVID S3, MOTU 828 & B16 stage box, Moog, Buchla, Dreadbox Arturia, Digitakt, Microgranny, and Analogue Solutions Colossus.
  • Sound Studio Three (see third image to right): 5.1 recording & mixing studio with Genelec 1032 and 7070 sub, AVID C24, HDX, Earthworks and API preamps, Mood Etherwave Theremin, Arturia Matrix Brut.
  • Spatial Sound Lab (see bottom-most image to right): this space is only for those on our postgraduate courses and is our flagship immersive studio with a 32.4 spherical array of Genelec 8331 and 7050 loudspeakers controlled over DANTE.
  • IKO: again, this is only for those on our postgraduate courses and comprises an IKO compact spherical loudspeaker array with RME interface which moves between Bathway Theatre (see below) and the Greenwich campus.
  • Immersive Theatre: the University’s Bathway Theatre (in central Woolwich with the theatre facility itself being mainly used by the University’s Drama students) provides, for Music and Sound students, a 200-person capacity venue with a fixed 28.2 audio system (Genelec 8050 and 7382 subs) plus an EM Acoustics PA system with the possibility to rig up additional loudspeakers from our Loudspeaker Orchestra.
  • Loudspeaker Orchestra: access to this particular mobile kit is only for those on our postgraduate courses - the Orchestra comprises a 24-channel performance and immersive concert system with 8 Genelec 8050, 8 Genelec 8030, 1 7070, 2 7050, quad PA system (Tascam Sonic View 24 + stage box / Soundcraft SI Impact / Asparion 48 channel Fader Controller).

We actively encourage creativity and experimentation by students and know that there may be more than one solution. As such, you may work outside our studios and lab spaces and, for outside work, we have a range of microphones and fantastic field-recording equipment.

Also, it’s not just the facilities which matter, but also the academic team’s experience. Our staff team bring years of experience and expertise in music and sound working with live electronics and traditional multichannel diffusion systems and loudspeaker orchestras in contemporary music, compact spherical loudspeaker arrays and everything from mono, stereo, 5.1, 7.1 to Atmos / Auro 3D and Higher Order ambisonics.

Sound interesting? Get the lowdown on our great Music and Sound courses here.

Current staff; Current students; Prospective students

Film, media and sound

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences