Chris, a second-year BA Animation student, discovered his passion for animation through the art of sketching characters and crafting immersive worlds on paper. Chris shares some insights into what drew him into the creative field and why the BA Animation course at the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ was the right choice for him.
A Winning Combination
When deciding where to study, Chris found the perfect blend at Greenwich. The Animation course at Greenwich offered the flexibility to explore both 2D and 3D animation, which provided Chris with the freedom to showcase his talent and gain valuable industry-level experience. Outside of classes, the lively campus setting gave Chris the opportunity to unwind and express his creative freedom, especially the nearby Greenwich Park and Royal Observatory.
Animation for me is identity, individuality and creative freedom.
A Vibrant Student Community
Creative students at Greenwich study in the University’s award-winning Stockwell Street Building, equipped with an incredible range of state-of-the-art facilities. Chris describes Greenwich as an “open community”, a space for collaboration among students from various creative disciplines, including graphic design, film, architecture and digital arts – enabling students to thrive in a supportive and inspiring atmosphere.
You become a family, you bounce ideas, and as a community you grow stronger!
Incredible Opportunities and Experiences
Chris has enjoyed exposure to diverse opportunities and experiences at Greenwich. From industry-led workshops covering aspects of the animation pipeline including storyboarding, character design and compositing, to the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ’s Annual Movement Conference – which gives students the chance to get inspired from industry experts and receive critical feedback on their work – all of which has allowed Chris to effectively engage with his course, enrich his learning and expand his network.
If you’re considering an Animation degree, we hope Chris’ journey inspires you to become a part of Greenwich’s vibrant creative community.
Discover more about our BA Animation course here or check out our talented students’ here.