
Online Exam Support


Many of you will be taking exams under unusual conditions. Here is some advice to help you perform at your best no matter what form your examinations might take.

These are strange time and we are all having to learn to work in new ways, often using digital technology that we are unfamiliar with. Examinations are being tailored to cope with this new situation with many of you being given papers to do online or over a longer period of time than normal. In spite of all of these changes the Academic Support Team are here to help you with exam advice, tutorials and online workshops - you are not alone!

We Can:

We Can't:

  • Advise about how to approach exam papers.
  • Advise about how to pick a question.
  • Advise about how to understand key exam terminology
  • Advise about how to structure an exam answer.
  • Discuss a specific exam question with you
  • Suggest subject specific ideas or content.
  • Proofread your exam answer.
  • Tell you if we think you have answered the question correctly.
  • Tell you if you are using the right sources

Watch this brief video for some initial advice

All of our examination advice can be found here. Take time to review it; you will find a wealth of hints and tips that can make the difference between a good exam answer and a great one:

Preparing for exams

Researching for an exam

Video Hints & Tips

This is a useful short video about accessing ebooks...

Current staff; Current students