
A new Integrated Disability Support system to record and manage students’ GIPs and PEEPs


Greenwich Inclusion Plans (GIPs) and Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) are support plans which outline the reasonable adjustments and arrangements that are needed for the student to be able to fully access all aspects of their university life

These arrangements include teaching, learning, exams, IT, library and teaching space arrangements. We have a duty under the Equality Act 2010 to consider and make these adjustments. Students with disabilities, specific learning difficulties, mental health condition and/or long-term medical condition who are registered with the Student Wellbeing Service will have a GIP in place.   

The Student Wellbeing Service and the University Fire Safety Officer will use the new Integrated Disability Support (IDS) system to record and manage these.

A new way to create, manage and share GIPs

The Student Wellbeing Service will now create GIPs using Banner. Once created, an automated email will be sent to the student's

  • Programme lead
  • Module Lead
  • Personal Tutor
  • Module Instructor
  • Faculty Exams Administrator
  • Faculty Retention and Success Officer.

This will ensure that you aware of your students' support needs and you will also know how to support them. Students will be able to view their own GIPs via a link to their personal email.

Please note: if you receive a notification for a student you do not teach or support then this means there is incorrect information in Banner. Please liaise with your faculty administrators to correct this, the Student Wellbeing Service are unable to make these changes.

Find out more

  • You can of a recent session on the new system
  • How to view a GIP, which along with PEEPS now show on the Student Information page in Banner Web.

If you have any questions then please contact us on

Current staff