
Our Covid-Safe Charter


The safety of our students and staff is our first priority, even more so during the Covid-19 pandemic. But we must all act to support each other and behave responsibly to keep everyone safe.

COVID Safe charter - front pageOur sets out how we expect students and staff to behave during the pandemic and what you can expect from the University, GSU and GKSU. It is based on the values that unite us as a community. 

All students and staff should familiarise themselves with it and act in accordance with it. 

The Charter is endorsed by the University, GSU and GKSU.

You can find further guidance and information about our Covid Safe planning on our Covid-Safe webpages.

Reminder: You are required to wear a face covering in our buildings and on university buses

You may face disciplinary action from the university if you do not wear face coverings when required to do so. This may put your place on your course at risk.

Face coverings are required except where you are the only person in the room or when you are working at a workstation which is at least 2m away from other workstations. 

You will also need to wear a while queueing for university buses where social distancing is not possible. The university will provide staff and students with two washable face coverings each.  These will be distributed by our faculty and welcome teams. 

*If you are exempt from wearing a face covering we recommend you use the government 

Please maintain social distancing

In line with government guidance, please do not form groups of more than 6 people outside teaching spaces. Staff may ask you to separate from each other if they see this happening on our campuses.

Current students; Current staff