
Digital enabling strategy


Following our 'Strategy into Action' sessions here we share our detailed vision and priorities for Digital.

Our vision will enable our community to be equipped with the essential tools to ensure we are creating impact for staff and students with the investment we are making – technology is nothing without our people and we want to ensure everyone has confidence in navigating our digital environment.

Paul Butler, Director of Information and Library Services

The University’s digital mission is to ensure everyone in our community is equipped to effectively use digital services, data and technology with confidence, resilience and creativity in their learning, teaching, research and organisational support.

What are the priorities – and why they are so important

  • 10 years into an 18 year journey.
  • Capability and principle driven.
  • Key enabler of the University Strategy.
  • Personalised experiences.
  • Digital engagement at its core.

Key themes

  • Learning Environment.
  • Student Experience.
  • Student Lifecycle Management.
  • Research & Knowledge Exchange.
  • Data, Process and Decision Support.
  • Digital Engagement.

Emerging projects

  • LinkedIn Learning.
  • Student Lifecycle Management – 3 year programme.
  • Classroom Enhancements – HyFlex rollout.
  • Asset Management.
  • Non-standard starts (student record system).
  • Degree apprenticeship management.
  • HESA Data futures.
  • Front-end admissions.

Read our full

Current staff