
EDI Race Action Plan Launch 2021 - updated with the event recording


On the 25 May 2021, we held our UNITE event. Hosted by Vice-Chancellor Prof Jane Harrington, our EDI Race Advisors, Jas Seehra-Pearce & Dr Myrtle Emmanuel were joined with a guest panel to launch our EDI Race Action Plan.

We would like to thank everyone who attended our EDI Race Action Plan launch, hosted by Prof Jane Harrington. We were joined by Paul Rt Hon the Lord Boateng PC DL, University Chancellor,  Ceewhy Ochoga (founder of Black Impact), Kalpna Woolf (founder of Be On Board  & 91Ways), Zoe Campbell (GSU Officer), Mayo Femi-Obalemo (GSU Officer) and Dr Sandhiran Patchay (Chair of the BAME Staff Network) who reflected on the plan and the importance of race equality.

We were pleased to unveil the 6 key guiding principles underpinning the actions and work that will be carried out under the EDI Race Plan involving:

  1. Data Capture, Analytics & Insight
  2. Governance, Leadership & Accountability
  3. Culture and Behaviour
  4. Policies, Practices and Procedures
  5. The Student Journey
  6. Race Equality Charter

The plan supports the university’s Strategy in ensuring that inclusivity is embedded into everything we do and that all staff have equal opportunities to succeed and feel a sense of belonging towards our university.

We are immensely appreciative of the positive feedback and comments we received during and after the EDI Race Action Plan launch event. It was also pleasing to hear that many of our colleagues have been inspired and spurred on to be part of breaking down the institutional and systemic racial barriers that exist at our university.

Next steps

The next part of our EDI race work will involve the finalisation of the EDI Race Action Plan where we will be inviting all staff and students to comment on what is missing within the plan. The plan will then be officially published within and outside the university and you will have the opportunity to view the work being carried out via a live dashboard.

We will continue to work with individuals and departments/directorates across the university to implement the EDI Race Action Plan and support the university to become trailblazers in the achievement of race equality.

EDI Race Action Plan

For those who were unable to attend the EDI Race Action Plan and you can watch the full event below.

from on .

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to driving this valuable EDI race equality work together.

Jas Seehra-Pearce and Dr Myrtle Emmanuel
EDI Race Advisors

Current staff; Current students