
Supporting our university community


We are proud to be an international university and to be a home to students and staff from across the world.

We are all part of a community at Greenwich which supports each other in times of need.  We are here to support members of our community who are Ukraine nationals or have family or friends there during this worrying time.

We know that other members of our community will be very concerned about the current situation and our support services are available to all students and staff.

Support for students

  • Register with Student Wellbeing Services if you would like to talk to someone about the impact the current situation is having on your mental health or wellbeing.
  • Reach out to one of our Global Greenwich Ambassadors at our  on each campus, and the GSU is also here to support you.
  • Register on using your university email address for free mental health support, available 24/7.
  • Talk to your personal tutor.

Support for staff

  • Talk to your line manager, senior manager or a colleague in HR.
  • Access support through , a free and completely confidential service run by CiC.

Current staff; Current students