
Tackling Racism: Resources for universities (updated 24 August)


This list of resources for staff and students aims to enable self-education and better understanding of racism in higher education.

The materials below describe how racism manifests in the university context, and suggests ways to counter it. This is not an exhaustive list, and our intention is to update it regularly.

If you have suggestions for inclusion please send them to Vice-Chancellor's Forum.


  • Arday, J. and Mirza, H.S, (2018) Dismantling Race in Higher Education: Racism, Whiteness and Decolonising the Academy
  • Kandola, B. (2017). Racism at Work: The Danger of Indifference
  • Bhambra, G.K; Gebriel, D.; Nisancioglu, K (2018) Decolonising the University
  • Bhopal, K. (2016) The experiences of Black and minority ethnic academics: a comparative study of the unequal academy. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Bhopal, K and Pitkin, C (2020) 'Same old story, just a different policy': Race and policy making in higher education in the UK. Race, Ethnicity and Education.

Events, webinars, and podcasts

  • Wonkhe
  • Oxford University's seminar

Reports, articles, and blogs

  • EHRC report (2019) 
  • Resources on  by EHRC
  • Information about  by Citizens Advice
  • Times Higher Education,  data show SUMS consulting.Universities as agents of social change: what are we really doing to make sure Black lives matter?
  • AdvanceHE, Staff Development Forum - 
  • Royal Society, 
  • White people must commit to antiracist action for the long term, 
  • Study International, 
  • The University of Sheffield, 
  • CIPD, 
  • AdvanceHE, 
  • UK Council for Graduate Education.

From Çï¿ûÊÓƵ staff

The following resources are from current and former members of staff.

  • Added 24 August: Dr Mazia Yassim
  • 'White sanction', institutional, group and individual interaction in the promotion and progression of black and minority ethnic academics and teachers in England. P Miller (2016). Power and Education 8 (3), 205-221
  • Cultures of educational leadership: Global and intercultural perspectives. P Miller (2016). Springer
  • BAME teacher progression in England: towards a conceptual model. P Miller (2019). International Studies in Educational Administration (ISEA) 47 (3), 18-35
  • Race, education and educational leadership in England: An integrated analysis. P Miller, C Callender (2019). Bloomsbury Publishing
  • Race and ethnicity in educational leadership. P Miller (2019). Principles of Educational Leadership and Management, 223-238
  • Black Lives Matter  protest media commentary by Dr Adam Elliott-Cooper
    • , , , , 

Current students; Current staff