Business Case

The Business Case describes the justification for the project, based on the costs of its implementation and the benefits to be gained. Select the template for the expected cost of your project: £150K-£300K Medium, £300K-£3M Large, £3M-£5M Very Large

Current staff
Last updated:
13 Aug 2024 (Created: 25 Nov 2020)

Attached files

Business Case Medium
  • MS Word Document
  • Ref: UOG134065
  • Size: 0.061MB
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2024
Business Case Large (Estates Projects)
  • MS Word Document
  • Ref: UOG322548
  • Size: 0.058MB
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2024
Business Case Very Large (Estates Projects)
  • MS Word Document
  • Ref: UOG322549
  • Size: 0.053MB
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2024