
GRE Awards and Celebration Event

12th May 2021 1:30pm - 5pm

This activity takes place online

Join Greenwich Research & Enterprise (GRE) at our Awards and Celebration Event on 12th May 2021 1:30-5:00pm. This will be a live event which will incorporate the postgraduate research (PGR) student poster competition and the Early Career Researcher (ECR) Awards.

Come and learn about just some of the impactful research underway at the University, contributed by a cross-section of our academic staff. This event will coincide with the launch of a new web presence that showcases the wider research and knowledge exchange activities here at Greenwich.

The event will include presentations of current research and to celebrate the research endeavours of our PGR and ECR community.

Our award categories are:

  • Inspiring Researcher
  • Outstanding Achievement in Research
  • Outstanding Achievement in Knowledge Exchange
  • Excellence in Pedagogical Research
  • Career Research Excellence Award
  • Early Career Researcher Excellence Award
  • Early Career Researcher Communications & Engagement
  • Sustainable Future Award
  • COVID Mitigation Award
13:30Welcome - Prof Javier Bonet (DVC(R&E))
 PGR Poster and Video Competition
 Live Presentation 3-Minute-Thesis competition winner
14:00 Technical session 1 - The distinctive flavour of Greenwich research
 The Impact of Temperature Extremes on Nutrition and Diet Diversity in Children under Five - Molly Brown (NRI)
 Electrifying Chemical Synthesis: Your Chemistry has got Potential! - Kevin Lam (Science)
 Flattening the curve of the social media infodemic - Georgios Loukas (Computing and Mathematical Sciences)
15:15Technical session 2 – The post-pandemic world
 (Un)equal access to information? Results of a Covid-19 signage case study - Erika Kalocsanyiova (FEHHS)
 Molecular multiresponsive systems en route to adaptive materials -  Ana M. Castilla (Science)
 The Un/Archived Textiles project: researching and promoting sustainable consumption and production -
Olga Martin-Ortega (Law)
 Audiovisual Space: Recontextualising Sound / Image Media -  Andrew Knight-Hill (Design)
 Making whistleblowing work for society - Wim Vandekerckhove (Business)
16:15Awards Ceremony
17:00Close – Prof Jane Harrington (VC)

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