Foundation degrees

Course Information

Data Warehousing

Module summary

Module code: COMP1637
Level: 6
Credits: 15
School: Engineering and Science
Department: Computing and Mathematical Sci.
Module Coordinator(s): Andrew Wicks


Pre and co requisites

Knowledge and experience of database design and implementation.


The aim of this course is to apply the principles of database applications and technologies to solve realistic technical and managerial problems in organisations and, in so doing, contribute to those organisations' strategies.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course students will be able to:
A. Design and implement a data warehouse.
B. Solve business problems requiring the querying of data derived from a warehouse.

Indicative content

Operational and informational systems.
Warehouse architecture.
Dimensional Analysis.
Data Marts.
Data cleansing / ETL.
Trends & Historical Data.
Performance issues.

Ethical, Legal, Social & Professional Issues:
The course will take advantage of the wide range of legal publicly available information from government and other sources.
Personal and Professional Skills:
The course will develop skills in the interpretation of directors' requirements.

Teaching and learning activity

Concepts will be introduced in lectures; case studies, practical exercises and problem solving will be done in lectures and labs.

Student time will be:
Lecture 2 hours
Laboratory 1 hour

Learning Time (1 credit = 10 hours)

Scheduled contact hours:

Note: include in scheduled time: project supervision, demonstrations, practical classes and workshops, supervised time in studio or workshop, scheduled lab work , fieldwork, external visits, work-based learning where integrated into a structured academic programme.
lectures 26;
seminars n/a;
supervised practical sessions 13;
tutorials n/a;
formative assessment n/a;
other scheduled time n/a;
Guided independent study:

Note: include in guided independent study preparation for scheduled sessions, follow up work, wider reading or practice, revision.
Independent coursework n/a;
Independent laboratory work 39;
other non-scheduled time 72;
Placements (including work placement and year abroad) n/a;
Total hours (Should be equal to credit x 10) 150.


Coursework - 100%. Pass mark 40%.
Develop and analyse results from a data warehouse case study.