Foundation degrees

Course Information

Database Engineering

Module summary

Module code: COMP1639
Level: 6
Credits: 15
School: Engineering and Science
Department: Computing and Mathematical Sci.
Module Coordinator(s): Andrew Wicks


Pre and co requisites

This course assumes a reasonable understanding of the methods used to develop applications on relational DBMSs (SQL, normalisation, etc. – and to have completed an introductory course on databases).

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course a student will be able to:

Critically evaluate the concepts and tools of the relational database management system.
Investigate and analyse the data requirements for a database system design.
Manipulate data and database objects through the use of SQL.
Design and build a database management system that satisfies relational theory and provides users with business queries, business forms, and business reports.

Indicative content

Basic relational database concepts; Use normalisation to design database tables; Reporting and querying data; Restricting, sorting, and grouping data; Understanding database functions; Transactional processing; Creating database objects; Server side coding: stored procedures and functions, database triggers; Error processing and troubleshooting; An appreciation of the use of relational algebra when optimising queries.

Teaching and learning activity

Each week there will be a 2 hour lecture and a 1 hour practical session. In the lecture students will be introduced to the issues affecting the design, development and management of the database. In the
lab sessions students will learn how to design and develop a database driven application.


Method of SUMMATIVE assessment: Examination
Outcomes assessed: 1-4
Grading Mode (e.g. pass/ fail; %): %
Weighting % :100%
Passmark: 40%
Word Length: n/a
Outline Details: 2-hour exam.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning:
The students will continue to build an application in a suitable DBMS. They will document this in a log book which will help them when revising for the examination. The formative assessments (including weekly quizzes) will be aimed at developing confidence as well as familiarity.