Foundation degrees

Course Information

Information and Content Management

Module summary

Module code: COMP1643
Level: 6
Credits: 15
School: Engineering and Science
Department: Computing and Mathematical Sci.
Module Coordinator(s): Annemarie Zijlema


Pre and co requisites

Digitally literate with understanding of some web technologies.


To teach the necessary knowledge and gain skills on the management of content for enterprise-wide websites and intranets and to extend the student's knowledge of implementation and governance of such systems.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
1 Critically evaluate web-based Content Management Systems
2 Ability to design and build a web or intranet site for an organisation
3 Demonstrate understanding of implementation and governance of a CMS
4 Demonstrate ability to communicate clearly and effectively, in a range of forms, taking account of different audiences

Indicative content

Information as a resource in large enterprises; Information Architecture of enterprise web sites and intranets; Security issues in Content Management Systems; Information Management Policies; Requirements specifications and Testing for Content Management. Employability is enhanced by requiring students to solve problems independently. There is the opportunity to make sensible assumptions in real life scenarios and to reflect on skills gained and the impact of the proposed solution. There is a substantial written element in the assessment emphasising clear formatting, spelling and grammar within a clear,
well-reasoned narrative.

Teaching and learning activity

Each week there will be a 2-hour lecture and a 1 hour tutorial session. The lectures will focus on the issues affecting the design, development and management of large scale information and content management systems. The tutorials will include exercises for students to gain the necessary skills.
Students will need to contribute their own time in learning new skills and technologies and gaining knowledge as appropriate. Learning Time lectures 24; tutorials 12; independent work 114; Total hours 150.


Coursework: Report and site - 100%
LO - 1, 2, 3, 4.
Pass mark - 40%
3000 words.
Evaluating different Web Content Management Systems, considering governance and implementation aspects and demonstrating the skills of using a CMS to develop a site.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning:
Students will be given weekly practical tasks with a requirement to upload the task each week as evidence. Feedback will be provided.