Foundation degrees

Course Information

Smart Systems 2

Module summary

Module code: COMP1659
Level: 5
Credits: 15
School: Engineering and Science
Department: Computing and Mathematical Sci.
Module Coordinator(s): Anatolij Bezemskij


Pre and co requisites

Level 4 computer systems architectures, level 4 computer programming, good numeracy, strong software design and engineering skills.


This course introduces smart embedded systems and places these into context with topical application domains. The course enables students to extend their programming and computer systems skills and to apply these to the design and development of embedded systems with smart behaviour.
This course aims to:
Introduce concepts of embedded systems and smart systems.
Provide a theoretical and practical basis for embedded systems architectures and operation.
Familiarise students with tools and techniques for the implementation of embedded systems.
Provide an appreciation of the type, scope and significance of applications to which smart and embedded computing applies; including IoT, Health, Home Automation, Security, Robotics.

Learning outcomes

Learning Outcomes: on successful completion of this course a student will be able to:
1 Design and implement embedded systems applications using embedded C.
2 Configure peripheral controllers and I/O ports to interface to a variety of different sensor and actuator types.
3 Select sensors and actuators appropriate for a wide range of applications.
4 Evaluate and critique the architecture and features of embedded systems.

Indicative content

Microprocessors, microcontrollers, memory and storage. Use of embedded C on the Atmel platform. Special registers, interfacing and controlling peripherals, parallel and serial ports. Timers, counters, polling, busy loops, interrupts, interrupt handlers, priority assignment, masking. Analog-to-Digital converters and analogue comparators. Sensor types and their use: temperature, vibration, accelerometer, light activated switches, reed switches, sound activated switches, light intensity sensors, pressure switches. Servos motors and other actuators. Power consumption and energy saving operation modes.
Basics of smart behaviour {intelligent data filtering, sensor data aggregation, context-aware decisions, trend discovery}, anomaly detection, smoothing and weighting.
Introduction to feedback and closed-loop control.

Employability descriptors
1. Cognitive Skills. Level 5: Exposure to a wider set of problems with greater emphasis on assessing risk and drawing conclusions. Practice in drawing conclusions, justifying judgements, attention to detail and reflection on skills gained.
This arises in the context of embedded systems design and development (lab exercises and coursework task).

2. Generic Competencies. Level 5: Group work – set goals including influencing, planning, questioning, listening, persuading, interpersonal sensitivity. Group work tasks should include an element of reflection on how the task was managed and how the group worked together.
This arises in the context of the part-groupwork nature of the coursework task.

4. Technical Ability. Level 5: Consolidate skills in these applications and further reflection.
This arises in the context of the coursework task in which you will apply theoretical aspects (from lectures, reading) in a practical software development setting.

Teaching and learning activity

Concepts will be introduced in lectures. Practical work will be through supervised laboratory sessions. Unsupervised, guided self-study will extend the amount of time students spend doing practical laboratory activities.

Learning Time (1 credit = 10 hours)
Scheduled contact hours: Lectures 24, supervised practical sessions 24.
Guided independent study: Coursework 50, Independent laboratory work 40.
Other non-scheduled time: 12 (e.g. reading).
Total hours 150


Must all elements of summative assessment be passed to pass the course? Yes

Method of Summative assessment: Group coursework with distinct individual component.
Outcomes assessed:1,2,3,4
Grading Mode (e.g. pass/ fail; %): %
Weighting % :100
Passmark: 40%
Outline Details: A practical design, programming and implementation task (an open loop control system using an embedded controller and various sensors and actuators).Full details of the coursework task and the associated marking scheme are provided in the detailed coursework specification document.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning:
Students will work in teams of 2 students to build the embedded / smart application specified in the summative assessment. As part of this, during scheduled laboratory classes each team will be required to provide regular demonstrations of progress, for which they will be given instant verbal feedback relating to the quality of their work. There will also be a final demonstration of the developed application where detailed verbal feedback will be given, the assessment of which feeds into the final coursework mark. Detailed and categorised written feedback will be provided for both the interim coursework report (which is an optional upload specifically for the purpose of providing feedback at an early stage in the coursework development lifecycle) and the final coursework report.