Foundation degrees

Course Information

Enterprise Server Management and Security

Module summary

Module code: COMP1691
Level: 6
Credits: 15
School: Engineering and Science
Department: Computing and Mathematical Sci.
Module Coordinator(s): Mariusz Pelc


Pre and co requisites



Nowadays IT systems require graduates to have a solid level of system administration skills. This course will provide students with knowledge about administration of network operating systems as well as configuration of core network services and securing of network resources. Main focus is on Linux Operating System but certain fundamentals of Windows Operating Systems Administration

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course a student will be able to:
1 Install Windows and / or Linux operating system and manage software
2 Manage local and remote users and groups and system resources
3 Install, configure and securely administrate selected network services and mechanisms
4 Install, configure and manage security-related system mechanisms

Indicative content

Windows and Linux system installation & CD/DVD based and kick start installation. Manage local and remote users and groups. Configure network interfaces and routing. Installation and configuration of DHCP service and cache-only DNS service. Installation and configuration of primary, secondary and reverse DNS service. Installation and configuration of FTP and HTTP services. Installation and configuration of MAIL service. Installation and configuration of the IIS service - configuring selected services in Windows OS. Installation and configuration of directory services via implementation of SAMBA and Active Directory services. Linux router / firewall & installation and configuration of a network. Configure advanced security mechanisms based on SELinux. Introduction to cloud systems – OpenStack.

Teaching and learning activity

Concepts and techniques will be introduced in lectures and problem solving will be done through practical work will be through laboratory sessions.
Student time will be:
Lecture 66.6%;
Tutorial 0%;
Laboratory 33.3%.
Learning Time (1 credit = 10 hours).

Scheduled contact hours:
Lectures 24;
Seminars 0;
Supervised practical sessions 0;
Tutorials 0;
Labs 12;
Formative assessment 0;
Other scheduled time 0;
Guided independent study: 0
Independent coursework 50;
Independent laboratory work 48;
Other non-scheduled time 16;
Placements (including work placement and year abroad) 0.
Total hours (Should be equal to credit x 10) 150.


Method of Summative assessment: Exam
Outcomes assessed:1,2,3,
Grading Mode (e.g. pass/ fail; %): %
Weighting % :50%
Passmark: 40%
Outline Details:Answer 2 out of 3 questions.

Method of Summative assessment:Coursework
Outcomes assessed:1,2,3
Grading Mode (e.g. pass/ fail; %): %
Weighting % :50%
Passmark: 40%
Outline Details:Logbook comprising up to 8 weekly lab reports.