Foundation degrees

Course Information

Software Engineering Management

Module summary

Module code: COMP1714
Level: 6
Credits: 15
School: Engineering and Science
Department: Computing and Mathematical Sci.
Module Coordinator(s): John Ewer


Pre and co requisites

Level 4 and 5 knowledge of principles of software development and project management.


This course takes a critical look at best current theory and practice in system development, in particular the frameworks and lifecycle architectures for the development of enterprise software. It examines issues relating to development and quality management to provide a solid background in principles and methods, enabling the student to undertake a critical evaluation and analysis of broader technical and managerial issues. The course also considers the practical impact and consideration of Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional issues with guidance and examples of managing these issues through the exploitation of software engineering.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course a student will be able to:
1. Give a critical analysis of the issues and problems associated with the production of large scale software systems.
2. Critically assess and select alternative development strategies.
3. Describe and critically discuss software quality assurance management, software management standards.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional Issues and their practical implications for software engineering.

Indicative content

1. Understanding the nature, cause and impact of the Software crisis.
2. Practical skills for Software Quality Assurance and Project Planning, including Risk Assessment; and Legal, Social, Ethical, and Professional Issues for Software Engineering.
3. Standards for Software Development, including the SEI CMM/CMMI.
4. Overview of frameworks for Enterprise Architecture, (e.g., EAF, TOGAF, Zachman).
5. Traditional Software Development Methods (e.g., Waterfall, V-Model).
6. Iterative Software Development Methods and Prototyping (e.g., RAD, JAD).
7. Agile Methods (e.g., extreme Programming).

Teaching and learning activity

Lecture: Weekly 2-hour lecture. Comprehensive notes, PowerPoint slides and pre-lecture recordings of 1-2hours in length, are available to students to maximise their learning during lectures and tutorials. Tutorials follow on from the lectures and focus on problem solving using practical techniques from the lectures with an emphasis on the skills needed to produce a QA plan for the CW and critical analysis of methodologies and approaches.

Group Study: Weekly tutorials of 1-hour duration. Students are encouraged to complete elements of the CW questions and participate in group discussion to enhance the group cohesion and sense of community and encourage peer learning. This extends to the presentation of their draft QA plan with open formative feedback to the entire group, facilitating learning from best practice.

Self-directed learning: Access to pre-recorded lectures and recommended reading allow students to take charge of their own learning. Lecture notes provide additional background slides that indicate topics requiring greater in-depth investigation by the students. Formative tutorial tasks help with this self-directed learning.


Coursework: 50% weighting, 40% pass mark.
Learning Outcomes: 3 & 4.
Word Length: 1500.

Examination: 50% weighting, 40% pass mark.
Learning Outcomes: 1 - 4.

Formative assessment: Verbal/written formative feedback for the draft QA plan presentation. Discussion of ideas within tutorial work.