Foundation degrees

Course Information

Child Development and Learning: Birth to Five Years

Module summary

Module code: ACAD1198
Level: 6
Credits: 30
School: Education, Health and Human Sci
Department: Education
Module Coordinator(s): Diane Harris



In the context of the contemporary framework for early years this course enables students to:

• Critically examine contemporary theoretical and empirical work relating to child development and learning (birth to 5 years).

• Examine how young children develop and learn across the personal, social and emotional, physical and creative development domains.

• Contribute to improving the educational and care outcomes for all young children taking into consideration individual differences, varied family cultural practices and practitioners ethics of practice.

• Monitor and guide young children’s development and learning in accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course a student will be able to:

1 Developed a critical understanding of the individual and diverse ways in which children develop and learn from birth to five.
2 Demonstrate a critical awareness of contemporary theories, research and practice in relation to early years development and learning.
3 Gain advanced knowledge about how to work with families and early years colleagues so that all children feel secure, valued, confident and independent.
4 Show that they can critically reflect and evaluate their own attitudes, values and beliefs with regard to young children’s development and learning.
5 Reviewed and appraise contemporary child development literature and have knowledge on how to lead practice in accordance with EYFS.
6 Analyse pedagogic observation approaches and how these skills can be effectively used to inform critical reflective practice.

Indicative content

• A critical examination of current early years literature showing how young children develop and learn in individual and diverse ways across the personal, social and emotional, physical and creative development domains.

• Review child development and learning research findings and identify factors that contribute to improving educational and care outcomes for young children.

• Understand the role that play has in young children’s development and learning.

• Critically appraise recent early years educational and care policy initiatives.

• Critically review different research perspectives, issues and debates within child development and learning and how this affects practice.

• Examine how ethics, morals and different perspectives play a key role in interpreting children’s development and learning.


Methods of SUMMATIVE Assessment: Pedagogic Documentation
LO - 1-6.
Grading Mode: numeric
Weighting: 50%
Pass Mark: 40%
Word Length: 1500
Outline Details: An assignment detailing pedagogic documentation, including a rationale for your planning intentions and strategies for one child. This should be based on observations of the child across the Early Years Foundation Stage Areas of learning and development in EYFS and demonstrate effective practice supporting the child’s development and learning.

Methods of SUMMATIVE Assessment: Literature Review
LO - 1, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Grading Mode: numeric
Weighting; 50%
Pass Mark; 40%
Word Length; 2500
Outline Details: Conduct a literature review that centres on a current issue or debate about child development or learning (0-5 years) in contemporary society.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning:
Pedagogical Discussion in the form of a tutorial.