Foundation degrees

Course Information

Language and Digital Literacies

Module summary

Module code: ACAD1278
Level: 5
Credits: 15
School: Education, Health and Human Sci
Department: Education
Module Coordinator(s): Rebecca Thistle


Pre and co requisites



The course provides an opportunity to identify strategies to support literacy development in young children through reflection upon established and contemporary theory and research. Central to the course will be strategies derived from current government policy providing an opportunity to develop and strengthen the link between theory and practice.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course a student will be able to:

1 Shown understanding of how to identify and implement strategies to promote the acquisition and development of reading and writing skills.

2 Identified, analysed and reflected on different pedagogical approaches to the development and acquisition of literacy skills.

3 An increasing awareness of how to identify strategies to enhance literacy skills for bilingual children and for children who require additional support.

4 Developed confidence in the acquisition of skills of digital literacy.

5 Identified, analysed and implemented contemporary curriculum guidelines for the promotion of literacy including planning and recording appropriate learning experiences for all children.

6 Formulate a position on and begin to analyse contemporary debates on the development and acquisition of literacy skills.

7 Çï¿ûÊÓƵd the roles of literacy educator and, where appropriate work with colleagues/other professionals to enhance literacy for children.

8 Reflected on contemporary initiatives from a national and international perspective to enhance literacy development.

Indicative content

• Theories and research on the development of reading skills and implications for early years practice.
• Theories and research on the acquisition of writing skills and implications for early years practice.
• Current National guidelines for literacy in Early Years settings.
• Different pedagogical approaches to the acquisition and development of literacy skills.
• Strategies to support children who require additional support.
• The role of professionals in the development and support of literacy skills.
• Evaluation and competency in the use and promotion of digital literacy.
• Assessment of/profiles of literacy skills and development in young children.
• Contemporary initiatives to develop literacy from a national and international perspective including the role of statutory and voluntary organisations.


Methods of SUMMATIVE Assessment: Literacy Resource
Outcome(s) assessed by summative assessment
(Please use the numbers above to refer to these): 1,3,4,7
Grading Mode: Numeric
Weighting: 50%
Pass Mark: 40%
Outline Details: The student will use digital literacy to enhance story telling with and for children.

Methods of SUMMATIVE Assessment: Written Rationale
Outcome(s) assessed by summative assessment
(Please use the numbers above to refer to these): 2,3,5,8
Grading Mode: Numeric
Weighting: 50%
Pass Mark: 40%
Word Length: 1,500
Outline Details: Written rationale for this resource and experience.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning: Practice in Placement