Foundation degrees

Course Information

Management Practice 2

Module summary

Module code: BUSI1315
Level: 5
Credits: 15
School: Greenwich Business School
Department: Business, Ops and Strategy
Module Coordinator(s): Nevin Bayoumi-Stefanovic



The course is designed to encourage students to:

• understand management practice including management roles, skills, and challenges at various levels and in different scenarios
• apply systems thinking for management and the situations associated with management activities
• develop the ability to analyse management data and be critical about evidence
• consider the challenges associated with different levels of management practice

Learning outcomes

1. Knowledge and understanding of systems thinking and scientific aspects of management in order to develop applications appropriate to deal with a variety of situations and context.

2. Seeing problems ‘as a whole’ and appreciate different viewpoints, and aiding the ability to draw out the key factors of a problem.

3. Application of Management Practice in scenario-like activities such as: managing stakeholder relations, risk management, conflict and communication, etc.

4. The ability to interrogate material in an evaluative way, form links between theoretical concepts and application of such approaches to managing at different levels

5. Identification of challenges in problem solving, consistencies and disconnects in management practice

Indicative content

Systems Thinking for Managers
Management systems
Organising complexity
Resilience and proactiveness
Leadership: management commitment & ethics
The reflective manager
Methods for problem solving (soft and hard OR)
Planning and managing risk
Decision Making
Evaluating management practice

Teaching and learning activity

MP2 prepares students for development of professional skills those of a reflective practitioner. To this end, the course consists of:
• a weekly interactive lecture
• 2hrs fortnightly tutorials and fortnightly tasks to be completed in groups

The lectures will introduce students to the key concepts and approach of the course. The students will form groups in the beginning of Term. Each group will have one weekly face- to-face tutorial and the other week they will have a group problem to address. The weekly scenario for problem solving will be introduced to the students in a ‘live-case’ manner. Every other week the manager of the group will change; group managers will hence rotate and will be responsible for collaborative learning of their group and the delivery of their weekly tasks and report on Moodle.

The group tutorials’ tasks focus on testing the understanding of this knowledge, deepening it through research and writing, and dealing with daily management issues Students will be encouraged to do action research on the scenarios provided for problem solving. As the assessment of the course will be 100% course work tutorials and group presentations will be utilised to enable students to discuss their learning and development.


Essay - 100% weighting, 40% pass mark, 3000 words. Essay outcomes assessed by learning outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Formative assessment: small group presentation.