Foundation degrees

Course Information

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

Module summary

Module code: BUSI1326
Level: 5
Credits: 15
School: Greenwich Business School
Department: Business, Ops and Strategy
Module Coordinator(s): Daria Samatoina



• To provide students with the analytical tools needed for the evaluation and comprehension of the viability of an entrepreneurial idea.
• To help students identify the critical success factors pertinent to their opportunity as well the capabilities necessary to flesh out an entrepreneurial team.
• To help students conduct primary and secondary research to shape their entrepreneurial opportunity and assess the viability of their venture.
• To provide participants with the opportunity to critically present their business idea.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
LO1 Understand the role of entrepreneurship in the economy.
LO2 Apply knowledge of the different stages of the entrepreneurial process to an entrepreneurial venture.
LO3 Engage in the process of pitching an entrepreneurial venture.
LO4 Reflect and evaluate the suitability of entrepreneurship as a career path.

Indicative content

This module introduces students to theoretical and practical considerations of entrepreneurship as well as the role of entrepreneurship in the economy. At the end of the module the participants will reflect on the prospect of entrepreneurship for future consideration.

This module enables students to
• Understand different conceptual approaches to entrepreneurship
• Engage in debates on contemporary issues relevant to entrepreneurship
• Become familiar with the entrepreneurial activities and develop their self-awareness about how well-suited to (and how much they resonate with) life as an entrepreneur

Teaching and learning activity

12 seminars scheduled weekly (week 1-12).
12 lectures scheduled weekly (week 1-12).
Group Study:
Group work is embedded into the tutorials.
Self-directed learning:
Guided Independent Study/Experiential Learning.


Summative Assessment: Group presentation pitch - 20%
LO - 2 & 3.
Pass mark - 40%
5-minute in-class business pitch + 3-minute Q&A.

Summative Assessment: Individual Reflective Report - 80%
LO - 1,2 & 4.
Pass mark - 40%
2,500 words.
Students are required to produce a written assignment of 2,500 words (excluding references + appendices) which answers the following questions.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning:
The in-class activities include several exercises which form the formative assessments. No formal formative assessment is planned.