Foundation degrees

Course Information

Innovation in Action

Module summary

Module code: BUSI1322
Level: 6
Credits: 15
School: Greenwich Business School
Department: Business, Ops and Strategy
Module Coordinator(s): Athina Piterou / Ian Clarke



i) Understand that innovation is a creative process that fuels new ideas

ii) Understand the complex nature of innovation processes in modern industrial societies

iii) Develop conceptual thinking as to how the practice of innovation results in both radical and incremental change and demonstrate how it forms an important part of entrepreneurial activity.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:

i) Identify an appropriate innovation and justify the reasons for its selection
ii) Investigate the development of the chosen innovation and analyse the processes that bought it about.
iii) Show awareness of key innovation theories and concepts relevant to the study of innovation.

Indicative content

Lectures will introduce students to key tools in understanding innovation including innovation typologies and relevant theories and concepts. Key stages in innovation processes will be identified and examples provided to illustrate these. Tutorials will introduce case studies to deepen the level of understanding.

Teaching and learning activity

Students will be introduced to a range of case studies during the module which will assist them in understanding different types of innovations and the differing contexts within which innovation takes place.


Essay: 100% weighting, 40% pass mark.
Learning Outcomes: 1, 2 & 3,
Outline Details: Essay examining important aspects of innovation and the innovation process. 3000 words.

Formative Assessment: Students will have the opportunity to complete a formative assessment in which they outline an innovation that they will choose to study in more detail for their essay. As a part of this formative assessment they will justify the reasons for the choosing of this innovation.