Foundation degrees

Course Information


Module summary

Module code: GENE0579
Level: 5
Credits: 15
School: Engineering and Science
Department: Science
Module Coordinator(s): Lauren Pecorino



• To provide a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of transmission genetics and molecular genetics, with particular emphasis on eukaryotic systems.
• To provide students with the ability to analyse and interpret a wide variety of genetic data, such as the outcome of crosses and data from molecular genetic techniques.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
1. Interpret and analyse a variety of types of genetic data, including some data you generate, identifying key characteristics of inheritance.
2. Survey the human genome, categorizing the different types of sequence data and utilize online genomic resources.
3. Discuss and identify the principles and regulation of gene expression.

Indicative content

Mendelian genetics and transmission genetics beyond Mendel, Linkage and mapping, Solving genetic problems, Population genetics, The human genome, Gene expression, Molecular techniques, Model organisms, Ethics, Bioinformatic tools and genomic investigations, Performing genetic crosses, An introduction to cytogenetics.

Teaching and learning activity

The module will be delivered through lectures, tutorial exercises, practical sessions and IT sessions. There will be a 2:1 ratio of scheduled lecture and tutorial time but rather than two separate sessions this will be integrated into one interactive three hour session to provide students with a more experiential approach to learning. Common on-line databases and bioinformatics tools will be introduced to the students and used in genome investigations. Laboratory work will allow students to use key genetic and molecular techniques to generate different types of genetic data for interpretation.


Test: 60% weighting, 40% pass mark.
Learning Outcomes: 1, 3.
Outline Details: Genetic problems and questions to solve/answer.

Laboratory Practical: 40% weighting, 40% pass mark.
Learning Outcomes: 1, 2.
Word Length: 2000 words.
Outline Details: A report/test based on one of the laboratory or in silico, practicals. Some practicals will combine laboratory and bioinformatic/in silico work.

Formative Assessment:
• Problem solving workshops/tutorials are included before the assessment where students work through a number of problems and then answers are discussed.
• Scrutinize different courses of action discriminating between ethical and unethical behaviour and different ethical approaches.