Foundation degrees

Course Information

Haematology and Blood Transfusion

Module summary

Module code: OMED1313
Level: 6
Credits: 15
School: Engineering and Science
Department: Science
Module Coordinator(s): Martin Gonzo



• To develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of the diagnosis of disease based analysis of blood;
• To relate a knowledge of these features to clinical situations;
• To develop a detailed appreciation of current views on a number of haematological diseases e.g. anaemias, thalassaemias;
• To develop a critical appreciation of selected haemostatic mechanisms and their relevance to the transfusion laboratory.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
1. Review in detail erythrocyte, leukocyte and platelet structure and function, and the role of red cell and HLA antigens in blood transfusion.
2. Demonstrate a theoretical and methodological approach to the laboratory diagnosis of haemoglobinopathies and haematological malignancies.
3. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the functioning of haemostatic mechanisms and associated disorders, and be able to critically review the reliability, validity and significance of associated diagnostic tests.
4. Critically evaluate the serological investigations involved in the investigation of blood groups and describe the techniques used to ensure safe blood transfusion and the regulatory background to blood safety.

Indicative content

The structure, function and metabolism of red cells, the nature and diagnosis of anaemia and thalassaemias, haemoglobinopathies and the mechanisms underlying the disease process, haemostatic mechanisms including bleeding diathesis and thrombosis, the nature and clinical features of leukaemias and myelomas, blood group systems including an introduction to transfusion science and the provision of safe blood.

Teaching and learning activity

The module will be delivered mainly through lectures and tutorials provided by academic and professional practitioners. The underlying principles / concepts will be explained in lectures. The supporting tutorial programme will establish the understanding of material delivered in lectures and will facilitate the understanding of these concepts and their applications. Some will involve enhancing self-learning skills and exam techniques. Case study analysis will be used where appropriate to reinforce theoretical knowledge and its application in diagnosis.


Group Presentation: 40% weighting, 40% pass mark.
Learning Outcomes: 1 - 4.
Outline Details: Clinical group presentation.

Exam: 60% weighting, 40% pass mark.
Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3.
Duration: 1.5 hour unseen closed book exam.

Formative Assessment: MCQs.