Dr µþá±ô¾±²Ô³Ù ¶Ù¾±Ã³²õ³ú±ð²µ¾±

Dr µþá±ô¾±²Ô³Ù ¶Ù¾±Ã³²õ³ú±ð²µ¾±

Lecturer in Network Science

Key details

Dr µþá±ô¾±²Ô³Ù ¶Ù¾±Ã³²õ³ú±ð²µ¾±

Lecturer in Network Science

µþá±ô¾±²Ô³Ù ¶Ù¾±Ã³²õ³ú±ð²µ¾± joined the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ in 2022 as a Lecturer in Network Science. Previously, he worked as a Research Associate at Imperial College London, as well as at SKEMA Business School. He received his PhD in Management at ETH Zurich, and his MSc in Sociology at Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest. His research focuses on the cognitive and behavioral foundations of social networks, using sociometric badge technology and experimental approaches. In addition, he is also interested in ethnic enclaves and migrant networks.

Office hours: by appointment

Responsibilities within the university

  • Module leader for “Managing Global Business Networks”
  • Personal tutoring and dissertation supervision

Recent publications

  • Carnabuci, G., & ¶Ù¾±Ã³²õ³ú±ð²µ¾±, B. (2015). Social networks, cognitive style, and innovative performance: A contingency perspective. Academy   of Management Journal, 58(3), 881-905.
  • ¶Ù¾±Ã³²õ³ú±ð²µ¾±, B., & Fehér, B. 2007.   Causes of changes in perceived social distance within deliberative groups. In   Örkény, A. & Székelyi, M. (Eds.), Hungarian Agora 2005 – Deliberative   survey about the relationship of the Roma and Non-Roma populations of   Hungary. Budapest: ELTE TáTK. (in Hungarian)