Haining Wang

Dr Haining Wang BSc, MSc, PhD

Lecturer in Business Analytics

Key details

Dr Haining Wang

Lecturer in Business Analytics

Haining joined the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ in 2022 as Lecturer in Business Analytics. He has his PhD and MSc in the Information Systems Management group of Warwick Business School, and BSc in Economics at University of Nottingham Ningbo China. During his PhD, Haining worked as teaching assistant to deliver seminars and tutorials in econometrics, data analytics, and digital innovation. His research work accommodates the emergence of data-driven business in the context of FinTech.

Responsibilities within the university

Module Leader of STAT1049 Business Statistics


Member of EGOS – European Group for Organizational Studies

Member of AIS – Association of Information Systems

Research / Scholarly interests

Haining’s research interests are in the subject of digital innovation, digital entrepreneurship, organizational agility, artificial intelligence. His current research employs qualitative methods to theorise compelling phenomena of artificial intelligence in FinTech industry. He is also interested in developing quantitative or mixed method research in the transparency of artificial intelligence. He actively participates in the paper review of conference such as AOM, EGOS, ICIS, ECIS and PACIS. He also has served as a reviewer in the journal of Information & Management, and Information Systems Journal.


Wang, H., Huang, J. and Zhang, Z., 2019. The Impact of Deep Learning on Organizational Agility. In ICIS.

Plattfaut, R., Litvinova, Y., Wang, H., and Kautz, K., 2022. The appropriation of IIoT and AI by an established family-owned Mittelstand enterprise – A qualitative study. In ICIS.

Wang, H., Huang, J. and Zhang, Z., 2023. A Framework to Conceptualize AI Transparency. In EGOS