Yanga Wu

Lecturer in project management

Research / Scholarly interests

  • Process perspective of organizational routine study
  • Sociomaterial view of technology adoption
  • Digital transformation in construction industry, with emphasis on its impact in organizational structures, cultures and work practices
  • Wellbeing, occupational health and safety in the construction industry
  • Project portfolio management and strategic alignment

Key funded projects

Practice-based Study of Project Portfolio Management and Strategic Alignment in the Construction Sector (PMI Sponsored Research Program)

Hidden Champion’s business strategy: A social network analysis of Chinese companies (NUSC - Additional Small Grant Funding)

Recent publications

Xu, J. and Wu, Y., 2023. Organising Occupational Health, Safety, and Well‐Being in Construction: Working to Rule or Working Towards Well‐Being?. Construction Project Organising, pp.17-30.

H Smyth & Y WU. Practice-based Study of Strategic Project Portfolio Management in Project-based Organizations in the UK Construction Sector (Report), University College London, 2021.