Dr Yang Ye

Dr Yang Ye MEd, MSc, PhD

Senior Lecturer in Psychology

Yang received his BSc from Beijing Normal University, China and his MSc/PhD in Social Psychology from Western University, Canada. Before joining the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ, he was a post-doctoral researcher first at the Department of Experimental Clinical and Health Psychology in Ghent University, Belgium and then at the Linguistic Department in Queen Mary University of London, UK. He is currently teaching Research Methods in Psychology 1 and Social Psychology at the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ. He also teaches Introduction to Quantitative Research for the London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (LISS-DTP).

Yang's research in social psychology focuses on the automatic and implicit forms of attitudes, stereotypes and bias. The research topics include how the automatic feelings about others develop and change, the measurement and behavioural effects of implicit gender stereotyping and understanding and reducing biases in the real world. He is currently working with Prof. Erez Levon and Prof. Devyani Sharma from Queen Mary University of London on an ESRC funded . He also collaborates with the social cognition lab at the   and the Learning and Implicit .

Posts held previously:
  • 2017-19, Post-doctoral Researcher, Queen Mary University of London
  • 2014-17, Post-doctoral Research Fellow/Research Affiliate, Ghent University, Belgium

Responsibilities within the university

  • Module leader for Psychology Project  (BSc Dissertation) for BSc (Hons) Psychology, Psychology with Counselling and Business Psychology
  • Acting chair of research ethics committee for the school
  • Member of the research executive working group


  • Member of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology
  • Reviewer for Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Psychological Science, Social Psychology and Personality Science, Cognition and Emotion, Group Process & Intergroup Relations, Journal of Personality Assessment, Experimental Psychology, Frontiers in Psychology

Research / Scholarly interests

  • Attitudes, stereotypes and bias
  • Implicit measures of stereotypes and bias
  • Dual-process models in social cognition

Key funded projects

  • 2019, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, "Gender Bias and Witness Credibility in the Courtroom" (with Erez Levon), Seed-corn funding

Recent publications


Levon, Erez and , Ye, Yang (2020), . Equinox Publishing. In: , , , . Equinox Publishing, Gender and Language, 14 (2) . pp. 123-151 ISSN: 1747-6321 (Print), 1747-633X (Online) (doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1558/genl.39235).

Sharma, Devyani , Levon, Erez, Watt, Dominic, Ye, Yang , Cardoso, Amanda (2019), . Equinox. In: , , , . Equinox, Journal of Language and Discrimination, 3 (2) . pp. 150-172 ISSN: 2397-2637 (Print), 2397-2645 (Online) (doi: https://journals.equinoxpub.com/JLD/article/view/39979).

Hughes, Sean , Ye, Yang, De Houwer, Jan (2018), . Taylor & Francis. In: , , , . Taylor & Francis, Cognition and Emotion, 33 (5) . pp. 871-884 ISSN: 0269-9931 (Print), 1464-0600 (Online) (doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02699931.2018.1500882).

Hughes, Sean , Ye, Yang, Van Dessel, Pieter, De Houwer, Jan (2018), . Sage. In: , , , . Sage, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 45 (2) . pp. 196-208 ISSN: 0146-1672 (Print), 1552-7433 (Online) (doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0146167218781340).

Van Dessel, Pieter , Ye, Yang, De Houwer, Jan (2018), . Sage. In: , , , . Sage, Social Psychological and Personality Science, 10 (2) . pp. 266-273 ISSN: 1948-5506 (Print), 1948-5514 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/1948550617752064).

Ye, Yang and , Gawronski, Bertram (2017), . Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, European Journal of Social Psychology, 48 (3) . pp. 348-364 ISSN: 0046-2772 (Print), 1099-0992 (Online) (doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.2337).

Norman, Ross. M.G. , Li, Yixian, Sorrentino, Richard, Hampson, Elizabeth , Ye, Yang (2017), . Springer. In: , , , . Springer, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 52 (11) . pp. 1385-1394 ISSN: 0933-7954 (Print), 1433-9285 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00127-017-1429-2).

Ye, Yang , Tong, Yuk-yue, Chiu, Chi-yue, Gawronski, Bertram (2016), . Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 70 . pp. 1-7 ISSN: 0022-1031 (Print), (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2016.12.002).

Li, Yixian , Sorrentino, Richard M., Normal, Ross M.G., Hampson, Elizabeth , Ye, Yang (2016), . Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Personality and Individual Differences, 106 . pp. 117-121 ISSN: 0191-8869 (Print), (doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2016.10.050).

Ye, Yang and , Gawronski, Bertram (2016), . Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 64 . pp. 72-87 ISSN: 0022-1031 (Print), (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2016.01.012).

Book section

Ye, Yang and , Bertram, Gawronski (2018), . Oxford University Press. In: , , , The psychological and cultural foundations of East Asian cognition: Contradiction, change, and holism. Oxford University Press, Oxford Scholarship Online . ISBN: 9780199348541 (doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199348541.003.0008) NB Item availability restricted.

Gawronski, Bertram , Rydell, Robert J., De Houwer, Jan, Brannon, Skylar M. , Ye, Yang , Vervliet, Bram , Hu, Xiaoqing (2017), . Academic Press. In: , , , Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. Academic Press, Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 57 . pp. 1-52 . ISBN: 9780128146897ISSN: 0065-2601 (Print), (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.aesp.2017.06.001) NB Item availability restricted.