Imogen Tijou

Dr Imogen Tijou BSc Hons, MSc, CPsychol, SFHEA, PhD

Senior Lecturer in Psychology

Imogen joined the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ in March of 2023 as a Senior Lecturer in the Psychology team. Her story of Psychology began with an undergraduate degree in Psychology followed by a Master's degree in Health Psychology. She then progressed to an ESRC-funded PhD that explored the influence of self-efficacy, outcome expectations, pain and mood on adherence to physiotherapy. Imogen took up a lecturer role at Solent University in 2006 where she developed her experience and skill in teaching to achieve Fellowship then Senior Fellowship of Advance HE, and progressed to Course Leader for Psychology (Specialisms).

Imogen’s areas of interest include the application of health and well-being-related behaviour change and supporting students during their studies, especially enhancing their reflective abilities. By way of teaching experience, she has taught widely across the British Psychological Society curriculum including; research methods, personality and individual differences, as well as health psychology and counselling psychology.

She also has a personal and professional interest in Mindfulness and is able to deliver courses to different populations.

Imogen is also an experienced external examiner.

Posts held previously

  • 2006 - 2023 Senior Lecturer and Course Leader at Solent University

Responsibilities within the university

Module Leader of Applied Positive Psychology in year 3 BSc Hons Psychology Teaching including design, delivery, marking and continual development


External examiner roles
  • 2018-2022 University of Chichester
  • 2018-2022 Sport Psychology
  • 2021- University of Derby. BSc Psychology, online provision.
  • 2021- University of Wales, Trinity Saint David

BSc Psychology Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society

Senior Fellow of Advance HE

Research / Scholarly interests

  • Adherence to health behaviours
  • Behaviour change for health and well-being, including supporting recycling behaviours
  • Supporting consistency in marking
  • Mindfulness to support well-being and personal development

Recent publications

  • Tijou, I., Yardley, L. Sedikides, C. & Bizo, L. A. (2010). Understanding adherence to physiotherapy: findings from an experimental simulation and an observational clinical study. Psychology and Health, 25, 231-247.


  • Allison, C., Tijou, I., Coehlo, D.F.O. & Perry, Z. (2022) Using Qualitative Methods to Understand Domestic Recycling Behaviours, CBC Conference 2022: Behaviour Change for Health and Sustainability, 7-9th November 2022.
  • Webber, L. Tijou, I., Zaman, Y. & Dunn, C. (2016) Head Start Pilot of Mindfulness in Schools Project: The effect of MBSR on stress and wellbeing in teachers, Mindfulness in Schools Project, 22nd January 2016.
  • Tijou, I., Donovan-Hall, M. & Adams, J. (2015) Qualitative exploration of beliefs about and experiences of aquatic exercise in older adults with arthritis: preliminary results, Arthritis Research UK Centre for Sport, exercise and osteoarthritis, 17th December 2015.
  • Harvey, J.M. & Tijou, I. (2015, September). “Open Up and Say …” A Preliminary Study of the Aetiology and Maintenance Cognitive Vulnerability Perceptions as Mediators in the Relationship Between Negative Dental Beliefs and Dental Anxiety. Poster presented at the BPS Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, London, UK.
  • Tijou, I. (2015, March). Barriers & Facilitators to Aquatic Exercise in those over 55 with arthritis. The presentation was given at Southampton Solent University Health and Wellbeing Conference, Southampton, UK.
  • Tijou, I. (2014, May). Collaborating with patients in health research. The presentation was given at Southampton Solent University Research and Enterprise conference on Public Engagement, Southampton, UK.
  • Tijou, I., Mair, C. & McKensie, S. (2012) Adherence to moderate or high-intensity diet or exercise and effects on memory and well-being, 26th Conference on European Health Psychology Society, Prague, 21-25 August 2012.
  • Tijou, I., Mair, C. & McKensie, S. (2012) The effect of intensity of recommendations on adherence to a healthy diet & exercise and subsequent effects on working memory and well-being, BPS Annual Conference, London, 18-20 April 2012.
  • Tijou, I. (2011, September). The effect of intensity of requirements on exercise and diet in students. Paper presented at the BPS Health Psychology Annual Conference, Southampton, UK.
  • Tijou, I. & Yardley, L. (2008, September). Adherence to Physiotherapy: A Systematic Review. Poster presented at the BPS Health Psychology Annual Conference, Bath, UK.
  • Saunders, J & Tijou, I. (2008, September). Pain self-efficacy, pain-related anxiety and attentional bias in chronic pain and control participants. Poster presented at the BPS Health Psychology Annual Conference, Bath, UK.
  • Tijou, I., Yardley, L. & Bizo, L. (2007, September). Influence of beliefs, affective state and pain on adherence to physiotherapy. Paper presented at the BPS Health Psychology Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK.
  • Tijou, I., Yardley, L. & Bizo, L. (2006, September). Influence of beliefs, affective state and pain on adherence to physiotherapy. Poster presented at the BPS Health Psychology Annual Conference, Essex, UK.
  • Tijou, I., Yardley, L. & Bizo, L. (2005, September). Influences of self-efficacy, outcome expectations, mood and aversive feedback on simulated physiotherapy performance. Poster presented at the BPS Health Psychology Annual Conference, Coventry, UK.
  • Tijou, I., Yardley, L. & Bizo, L. (2004, September). Influence of beliefs, mood and aversive feedback on adherence to a physiotherapy simulation. Poster presented at the BPS Health Psychology Annual Conference, Edinburgh, UK.
  • Tijou, I. & Horn, S. (2003, September). An exploration of changes as children mature with reference to sun-related risk perception and protective health behaviour. Poster presented at the BPS Health Psychology Annual Conference, Stafford, UK.