Maureen Mounty

Maureen Mounty RMN, RGN, DipN, BSc Hons, MSc

Principal Lecturer, Professional Lead, Course Leader, Adult Nursing

Key details

Maureen C Mounty

Principal Lecturer, Professional Lead, Course Leader, Adult Nursing

Maureen Mounty is a Principal Lecturer, Professional Lead and Course Leader in the School of Health Sciences at the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ.

Since 2008, Maureen has responsibility for Inter-Professional Education (IPE) and lectures over a range of programmes, primarily shared courses for pre-registration nurses and midwives; work-based learning courses for foundation degree students; and mentor preparation courses for post registered nurses, midwives and health visitors. She also leads on the Assistant Health and Social Care Practitioner, Foundation Degree (FdSc) programme. 

She is Link tutor to a local healthcare trust and a Personal tutor for foundation degree student and pre-registration nursing students, as well as supervising undergraduate research projects for nursing and paramedic students.

Maureen has wide-ranging experience in management and in curriculum development and has been involved across the university in curriculum reviews, approvals and committees.

Posts held previously:

  • 2000–08, Head of Department and Principal Lecturer for Health Development, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ; Member of senior school management providing leadership and management for staff in professional practice and health and social care developments such as nursing, public health, health research, health and nutrition and complementary therapies
  • 1998–2002, Subject Group Leader for Professional Practice, Principal Lecturer, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ
    Providing leadership and management for staff and overseeing the development of courses within health and social care undergraduate and postgraduate nursing programmes
  • 1994–98, Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ
    For the BSc Hons Professional Practice and for courses related to the ENB Higher Award
  • 1990–94, Senior Lecturer, Thames Polytechnic (now Çï¿ûÊÓƵ)
    NVQ in Health and Social Care, School of Health.

Responsibilities within the university

  • Principal Lecturer, Professional Lead, and Course Leader, School of Health Sciences
  • Principal lecturer on pre-registration nursing and midwifery courses
  • Professional lead for IPE, on mentor preparation courses for post-registered nurses, midwives and health visitors
  • Programme lead for Assistant Health and Social Care Practitioner, Foundation Degree (FdSc)
  • Membership of the School Learning and Quality Monitoring Committee
  • Chair of FdSc, Assistant Health and Social Care Programme Committee
  • Chair of Department Assessment Panel, and the Department Programme Leaders Group


  • External examiner, on the MSc Homeopathy and BSc Homeopathy programmes, University of Central Lancaster, Preston

Research / Scholarly interests

Maureen has a varied range of research interests including; Inter-Professional Education (IPE); Integrated Health and Diffusion of Innovation; Clinical Audit; and Mentor Development. Her PhD investigated the integration of homeopathy by GPs, into primary care practice and examined patient's satisfaction and patient's choice in relation to homeopathic services provided by GPs in primary care, using a mixed-method research design. Integrated health and diffusion of innovation are her chief research interests, and formed the basis for her doctoral research.

Recent publications

Mitchelmore, M. (2009). Ethics in Public Health. In: J. Stewart, and Y. Cornish, eds.,Professional Practice in Public Health. Reflect Press.