Oliver Robinson

Dr Oliver Robinson PGCertHE, MSc, MA, PhD

Associate Professor of Psychology

Dr Oliver Robinson is Associate Professor of Psychology in the School of Human Sciences at the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ.

Oliver is Academic Portfolio Lead for Psychology and Counselling, and a Year 3 module coordinator for Adult Development and Mental Health.

His research focuses on how identity, wellbeing and mental health are affected by major life transitions, crises and ageing processes during adulthood. He has published several books including Development through Adulthood, and his research has gained interest from the media, including the New Scientist, The Guardian, BBC Radio 4, The Telegraph and The Times. He is an expert in qualitative methods and has published various articles on how to conduct qualitative sampling and analysis.

Responsibilities within the university

    • Academic Portfolio Lead for Psychology
    • Senior Lecturer, Psychology, School of Human Sciences
    • Programme Leader for BSc Psychology and BSc Hons Psychology with Counselling programmes
    • Module Leader for Adult Development and Mental Health, on Year 3 BSc Hons Psychology with Counselling programme


  • 2020: Supervisor of the Year Shortlist. Student Led Teaching Awards: Awarded by the Students Union, University of Greeenwich
  • 2018: BPS undergraduate research assistantship award winner, worth £1600. Awarded by the British Psychological Society.
  • 2017 : Inspirational Teacher of the Year. Winner. Student Led Teaching Awards: Voted for by Students. Awarded by the Students Union, University of Greeenwich
  • 2016: Supervisor of the Year Shortlist. Student Led Teaching Awards: Awarded by the Students Union, University of Greeenwich
  • 2012: Research Communicator of the Year Award: Awarded by Çï¿ûÊÓƵ (prize of £3,000)
  • 2010: Early Career Research Award: School of Health and Social Care, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ (prize of £3000 invested in research trip to University of Texas and University of Houston)


  • Author of the internationally used textbook Development through Adulthood, published by Macmillan International
  • Guest editor for special edition of American Psychologist 'Rethinking Adult Development' (June2020)  
  • President of European Society for Research in Adult Development
  • Senior Fellow of Advance HE
  • External examiner at University of Agder, Norway
  • External reviewer at Liverpool John Moores University

Research / Scholarly interests

Oliver's research specialism is in psychosocial adult development, particularly the relation between life transitions, crises and changes in personality and mental health. Areas of interest within these overlapping areas include:

The nature and experience of major life transitions such as the transition out of university or the transition into retirement, and effects of these on personality and wellbeing.

The antecedents, contents and outcomes of quarter-life crisis, midlife crisis and later life crisis.

The causes and extent of wellbeing, flourishing and authenticity in different adult age groups and cultures.

The developmental challenges of the first decade of adult life, often referred to as emerging adulthood.

The role of curiosity in adulthood as a driver for continued development.

Oliver also specialises in qualitative methods and mixed-methods designs, and has published a range of practical and theoretical articles in this area.

Key funded projects

    2017-2018 Robinson, O.C., Stevenson, M., Wragg, J. & Field, J. Conducting and evaluating an intervention to support resilience in students within the Faculty of Education and Health (£9606)

    2015 - 2016: Robinson, O.C. The changing pleasures of the new: Curiosity across the lifespan. Springer Nature (£7000) (Principal Applicant)

    2015-2016: Robinson, O.C. Towards piloting a resilience intervention for students in Higher Education. Seedling Fund, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ (£1700)

    2014-2017Robinson, O.C. & McNay, I. Towards a resilience intervention for students in Higher Education. Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Vice Chancellor's PhD Scholarship. £41,589.

    2013 - 2016: Robinson, O.C. & Asadi, S. The transition to adulthood in the UK and Iran: A cross-cultural comparison of aspirations, maturity ideals and perceptions of adulthood amongst 18-25 year olds. The British Academy. International Partnerships and Mobility Grant. (£10,315) (Principal Applicant)

    2013 - 2014: Robinson, O.C. Life After Greenwich: A longitudinal study of university leavers. Alumni Development Fund, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ (£4,000)

    2012 - 2013: Robinson, O.C. & Stell, A. Later life crisis: A key to understanding long-term wellbeing in the over-60s. Funded by: Çï¿ûÊÓƵ School of Health and Social Care Fund (£4,580) (Principal Applicant)

    2011 - 2012: Robinson, O.C. Quarter-life crisis and midlife crisis: prevalence, features and individual differences. Funded by: Çï¿ûÊÓƵ School of Health and Social Care Fund (£8,000) (Principal Applicant)

    2010 - 2011: Robinson, O.C. Relational and dispositional authenticity: developmental antecedents, personality correlates and implications for wellbeing. Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Strategic Research Fund (£8,000) (Principal Applicant)

    2008 - 2009: Robinson, O.C, Demetre, J.D. & Corney, R.H. Retirement: Dispositional and situational determinants of wellbeing. Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Strategic Research Fund (£13,080) (Principal Applicant)

Recent publications


Robinson, Oliver , Evans, Jules, Luke, David, McAlpine, Rosalind , Sahely, Aneta , Fisher, Amy , Sundeman, Stian , Argyri, Eirini Ketzitzidou , Murphy-Beiner, Ashleigh , Michelle, Katrina (2024), . Frontiers Media. In: , , , . Frontiers Media, Frontiers in Psychology, 15: 1369715 . pp. 1-13 1664-1078 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1369715).

Michael, Pascal , Luke, David, Robinson, Oliver (2024), . International Transpersonal Association. In: , , , . International Transpersonal Association, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies: 94 . pp. 1-24 ISSN: 1321-0122 (Print), 1942-3241 (Online) (doi: https://digitalcommons.ciis.edu/advance-archive/94).

Evans, Jules , Robinson, Oliver, Argyri, Eirini, Suseelan, Shayam , Murphy-Beiner, Ashleigh , McAlpine, Rosalind , Luke, David , Michelle, Katrina , Prideaux, Ed (2023), . Public Library of Science (PLoS). In: , , , . Public Library of Science (PLoS), PLoS ONE, 18: e0293349 (10) . pp. 1-24 1932-6203 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0293349).

Robinson, Oliver and , (2023), . Taylor and Francis Group - Routledge. In: , , , . Taylor and Francis Group - Routledge, Qualitative Research in Psychology ISSN: 1478-0887 (Print), 1478-0895 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/14780887.2023.2238625).

Michael, Pascal , Luke, David, Robinson, Oliver (2023), . Frontiers Media. In: , , , . Frontiers Media, Frontiers in Psychology, 14: 1083361 . pp. 1-17 1664-1078 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1083361).

Michael, Pascal , Luke, David, Robinson, Oliver (2023), . Frontiers Media S.A.. In: , , , . Frontiers Media S.A., Frontiers in Psychology, 14: 1083356 . pp. 1-23 1664-1078 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1083356).

Robinson, Oliver and , Fisher, Amy (2023), . Springer US. In: , , , . Springer US, Current Psychology . pp. 1-12 ISSN: 1046-1310 (Print), 1936-4733 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-04538-9).

Petrov, Nikolay , Robinson, Oliver C., Arnett, Jeffrey J. (2022), . Springer. In: , , , . Springer, Journal of Adult Development, 29 (4) . pp. 265-278 ISSN: 1068-0667 (Print), 1573-3440 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10804-022-09403-w).

Michael, Pascal , Luke, David, Robinson, Oliver (2021), . Frontiers Media S.A.. In: , , , . Frontiers Media S.A., Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 720717 . pp. 1-20 1664-1078 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.720717).

Robinson, Oliver , Sebah, Ilham, McNay, Ian, Field, Jenny , Wragg, Jane , Stevenson, Mandy , Newton, Paul (2021), . Taylor & Francis. In: , , , . Taylor & Francis, British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 49 (5) . pp. 672-688 ISSN: 0306-9885 (Print), 1469-3534 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/03069885.2021.1888372).

Robinson, Oliver and , (2021), . American Psychological Association. In: , , , . American Psychological Association, Qualitative Psychology, 9 (2) . pp. 194-208 ISSN: 2326-3598 (Print), 2326-3601 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1037/qup0000189).

Robinson, Oliver C. , Cimporescu, Maria, Thompson, Trevor (2020), . Springer. In: , , , . Springer, Journal of Adult Development, 28 (2) . pp. 138-148 ISSN: 1068-0667 (Print), 1573-3440 (Online) (doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10804-020-09361-1).

Agarwal, Shantenu , Guntuku, Sharath Chandra, Robinson, Oliver C., Dunn, Abigail , Ungar, Lyle H. (2020), . Frontiers Media. In: , , , . Frontiers Media, Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 341 1664-1078 (Online) (doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00341).

Robinson, Oliver C. and , (2020), . Taylor & Francis. In: , , , . Taylor & Francis, Journal for the Study of Spirituality, 10 (1) . pp. 15-28 ISSN: 2044-0243 (Print), 2044-0251 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/20440243.2020.1726045).

Asadi, Samaneh , Mohammadi Dehaj, Hamideh, Robinson, Oliver (2020), . Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Journal of Research in Personality, 85: 103912 ISSN: 0092-6566 (Print), (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrp.2020.103912).

Robinson, Oliver C. and , (2019), . Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Advances in Life Course Research, 41: 100279 ISSN: 1040-2608 (Print), (doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.alcr.2019.04.009).

Robinson, Oliver C. , Hanson, Karina, Hayward, Guy, Lorimer, David (2018), . Wiley. In: , , , . Wiley, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion ISSN: 0021-8294 (Print), 1468-5906 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/jssr.12567).

Robinson, Oliver C. and , (2018), . SAGE Publications. In: , , , . SAGE Publications, Emerging Adulthood, 7 (3) . pp. 167-179 ISSN: 2167-6968 (Print), 2167-6984 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/2167696818764144).

Litman, Jordan A. , Robinson, Oliver C., Demetre, James D. (2016), . Taylor & Francis. In: , , , . Taylor & Francis, Self and Identity, 16 (2) . pp. 231-250 ISSN: 1529-8868 (Print), 1529-8876 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/15298868.2016.1255250).

Robinson, Oliver C. , Demetre, James D., Litman, Jordan A. (2016), . SAGE Publications. In: , , , . SAGE Publications, International Journal of Behavioral Development . pp. 1-6 ISSN: 0165-0254 (Print), 1464-0651 (Online) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0165025416645201).

Book section

Robinson, Oliver , Sebah, Ilham, Avram, Ana Alexandra (2022), . IGI Global. In: , , In: Julie Prescott (ed.), Digital Innovations for Mental Health Support. IGI Global, Hershey, USA (1st) . pp. 37-55 . ISBN: 9781799879916; 1799879917|; 9781799879923; 9781799879930 (doi: https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-7991-6.ch003).