Key details
Dr Ik Soo Lim
Senior Lecturer of Computer Science (Trustworthy Agent-based Systems)
Ik Soo Lim is a Senior Lecturer of Computer Science at the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Ƶ. His primary research interests revolve around multi-agent systems, distributed intelligence, and evolutionary game theory. Presently, his research is centred on investigating the dynamics of trust and trustworthiness within communities of self-interested agents.
Dr Lim's academic contributions are diverse and have found publication in journals spanning a range of disciplines, encompassing physics, biology, psychology, and computer science.
His research has been supported by various organizations, including the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), the Wellcome Trust, the Leverhulme Trust, the Higher Education Academy (HEA), and the Conwy Valley Systems Ltd. Dr Lim has played pivotal roles as both a Principal and co-Investigator in research projects that have collectively secured funding exceeding £4 million.
Responsibilities within the university
Module Leader of the Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms.
Research grants
2013–2015 | Co-I, WAG & ERDF (80646), Wales Centre for Behaviour Change (Bangor: £1.07M). |
2011–2014 | Co-I, WAG NISCHR, Advanced Medical Image Analysis and Visualisation Unit (Bangor: £1.2M). |
2009–2012 | Co-I, ESRC/EPSRC (RES-**2075), An investigation of fixational eye movement patterns during three-dimensional object recognition (Bangor: £542K). |
2009–2010 | P.I., HEA (FD24012), Pop-Up: Perceptually and Pedagogically Effective Visualisation of 3- Dimensional Molecular Structures (Bangor: £5K). |
2008–2012 | Co-I & WP Co-leader, HEFCW, The Wales Institute of Visual Computing (Bangor: £1M). |
2007–2010 | P.I., Leverhulme Trust (F/00 174/L), Visualisation of time-varying volume data based on topological hierarchy (Bangor: £66K). |
2007–2008 | P.I., Wellcome Trust (WT081931MA), Three-Dimensional Anatomy Colouring (Bangor: £27K). |
2006–2010 | Co-I, EPSRC (EP/E002587/1), Physics-based virtual environment for training in vascular interventional radiological procedures (Bangor: £325K). |
2005–2008 | P.I., EPSRC (CASE/CNA/05/18, EP/C547403/1), Industrial CASE (Cooperative Awards in Science and Engineering) for New Academics (Bangor: £59K). |
2005–2008 | P.I., Conwy Valley Systems Ltd., Automatic Recognition of Palynofacies in Microscopic Images (Bangor: £20K). |
2013–2015 | Co-I, WAG & ERDF (80646), Wales Centre for Behaviour Change (Bangor: £1.07M). |
Program committee member
Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics, International Symposium on Visual Computing, Computer Graphics International, and Workshop on Intelligent Data Analytics and Visualization.
Journal referees
Animal Behaviour, ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Journal of Visualization, The Visual Computer, IEE Computer Vision, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Computers & Graphics, Psychological Review, Annals of the BMVA, Computers & Education, Proceedings of The Royal Society A, Information Visualisation, and Journal of Electronic Imaging.
Research / Scholarly interests
Research topics
- Multi-agent Systems
- Evolutionary Game Theory
- Modelling of Trust and Trustworthiness
Research supervision
Doctoral Students (completed)
- Dr Benjamin Taylor (Bangor University, 2020) “Copycat Shadows: A Screen Space Rendering Algorithm for ‘Impossible’ Cast Shadows”.
- Dr Haider Eesa (Bangor University, 2015) “Evaluation of Monocular Depth Cues on a High-dynamic- range Display for Visualisation”.
- Dr Safa Najim (Bangor University, 2014) “Visualization of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Faithful Stochastic Proximity Embedding”.
- Dr David Hughes (Bangor University, 2010) “A Path-Preserving Stackless Traversal for Faster Isosurface Raytracing on GPUs”.
- Dr James Charles (Bangor University, 2010) “Object Segmentation Within Microscope Images of Palynofacies” in a joint supervision with Professor Ludmila Kuncheva.
Postdoctoral Researchers
- Dr David Hughes (Bangor University, 2010–2012)
Recent publications
Journal Publications
- Lim, I. S. and Masuda, N., 2024. To Trust or Not to Trust: Evolutionary Dynamics of an Asymmetric N-player Trust Game. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 28 (1), pp. 117–131.
- Lim, I.S. and Capraro, V., 2022. A synergy of institutional incentives and networked structures in evolutionary game dynamics of multi-agent systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 69(6), pp. 2777 - 2781.
- Lim, I.S., 2020. Stochastic evolutionary dynamics of trust games with asymmetric parameters. Physical Review E, 102(6), p.062419
- Lim, I.S. and Wittek, P., 2018. Satisfied-defect, unsatisfied-cooperate: An evolutionary dynamics of cooperation led by aspiration. Physical Review E, 98(6), p.062113
- Wittek, P., Liu, Y.H., Darányi, S., Gedeon, T. and Lim, I.S., 2016. Risk and ambiguity in information seeking: Eye gaze patterns reveal contextual behavior in dealing with uncertainty. Frontiers in psychology, 7, p.1790
- Lim, I.S., Wittek, P. and Parkinson, J., 2015. On the origin of risk sensitivity: the energy budget rule revisited. Animal Behaviour, 110, pp.69-77
- Najim, S.A., Najim, A.A., Lim, I.S. and Saeed, M., 2015. Parallel faithful dimensionality reduction to enhance the visualization of remote sensing imagery. Neurocomputing, 168, pp.560-565
- Spencer, B., Jones, M.W. and Lim, I.S., 2015, February. A visualization tool used to develop new photon mapping techniques. Computer Graphics Forum, 34 (1), pp. 127-140)
- Najim, S.A. and Lim, I.S., 2014. Trustworthy dimension reduction for visualization different data sets. Information Sciences, 278, pp.206-220
- Hughes, D.M., Lim, I.S., Jones, M.W., Knoll, A. and Spencer, B., 2013, September. InK‐Compact: In‐Kernel Stream Compaction and Its Application to Multi‐Kernel Data Visualization on General‐Purpose GPUs. In Computer Graphics Forum, 32(6), pp. 178-188
- Easa, H.K., Mantiuk, R.K. and Lim, I.S., 2013. Evaluation of monocular depth cues on a high-dynamic-range display for visualization. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP), 10(3), pp.1-13
- Lim, I.S. and Leek, E.C., 2012. Curvature and the visual perception of shape: Theory on information along object boundaries and the minima rule revisited. Psychological Review, 119(3), p.668
- Hughes, D.M. and Lim, I.S., 2009. Kd-jump: a path-preserving stackless traversal for faster isosurface raytracing on gpus. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 15(6), pp.1555-156
- Charles, J.J., Kuncheva, L.I., Wells, B. and Lim, I.S., 2009. Stability of kerogen classification with regard to image segmentation. Mathematical geosciences, 41(4), pp.475-486
- Kuncheva, L.I., Charles, J.J., Miles, N., Collins, A., Wells, B. and Lim, I.S., 2008. Automated kerogen classification in microscope images of dispersed kerogen preparation. Mathematical geosciences, 40(6), pp.639-652
- Charles, J.J., Kuncheva, L.I., Wells, B. and Lim, I.S., 2008. Object segmentation within microscope images of palynofacies. Computers & geosciences, 34(6), pp.688-698
- Lim, I.S., Hughes, D. and John, N.W., 2007. Closed-form solutions for lowpass filtering of 3D digital geometry. Electronics Letters, 43(9), pp.503-505
- *John, N.W. and Lim, I.S., 2007. Cybermedicine tools for communication and learning. Journal of visual communication in medicine, 30(1), pp.4-9
- Lim, I.S., John, N.W. and Shore, K.A., 2005. Smoothing irregularly sampled signals by convolutional RBF networks. Electronics Letters, 41(22), pp.1252-1253