Research activities

CBNA | PhD Supervision

The Centre for Business Network Analysis is able to supervise a wide range of PhD topics involving applications of social network analysis.

Potential PhD Topics:

We are particularly interested in the following research areas:

  • virtual production processes (Conaldi, R. De Vita)
  • knowledge creation and sharing within multinational enterprise (Cronin, Chen, Walia)
  • business ecosystems, entrepreneurial/innovation ecosystems (Lin, Sohns)
  • regional economic clusters (Cronin, Conaldi, De Vita, Ghinoi, Gorgoni, Langosch, Sohns)
  • international trade and investment (Gorgoni, Cronin, Sohns, Bui)
  • value creation and capture (Gorgoni, Cronin)
  • business internationalisation (Cronin, Chen, Bui, Langosch, Walia)
  • Institutions, internationalisation and entry modes (Walia)
  • international business partnerships (Langosch)
  • corporate networks (Cronin, Popov, R. De Vita)
  • director interlocks (Cronin, Popov, R. De Vita)
  • business-government relations (Cronin, Popov, Bui)
  • leadership and organisational behaviour in networks (Pallotti)
  • multilevel networks (Pallotti, Ghinoi)
  • Relational event models from video data  (Palotti)
  • off/online human dynamics (Conaldi, Sohns)
  • dynamics on/of networks (Conaldi, Cronin)
  • discourse network analysis (Ghinoi)
  • healthcare systems (Pallotti)
  • NGO supporter networks (Garston)
  • social resource management (St Hillaire)
  • cross-cultural management (Langosch)
  • blockchain (Vasudevan, Sohns)


We periodically offer PhD scholarships. Each scholarship provides a stipend equivalent to the national minimum doctoral stipend (NMDS) set out by Research Councils UK (RCUK), £15,285 for 2020/21 and a full waiver of tuition fees to home/EU tuition level. Scholarships are available for three years from the date scholars first register as an MPhil/PhD student with the university. Candidates must demonstrate that they have achieved a minimum classification of 2:1 (Upper Second) in their first degree in a relevant discipline (UK or UK equivalent).

Current research students

Ali Al Busaidi - Socialisation During Organisational On-boarding.

Silvana Croft - Heterogeneity in the Transition from Analog to Digital within the British Film Industry.

Nicolo Gozzi - Modelling Behavioural Changes Induced by Infectious Disease via Physical Activity Trackers.

Yehui Hu - Evolution of Guanxi within Chinese Large-scale Exhibition Service Market.

Bertha Okpara - The Role of Collaboration and Social Networks In Achievement of Change Management and Project Success in the Pharmaceutical Sector.

Birant Osman - Innovation Networks in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Mohamed Shedid - The Interplay of Online and Offline Networks in the Development of High-tech Clusters and Technology Incubators.

Christy Smith - Networks of Oligopoly: An Exploration of how Social Structure and Individual Perception
Impact Collaboration in the UK Construction Industry

Feng Zhang - Chinese Corporate Overseas Direct Investment in the UK.

Zsofia Zador - The international organisation of production in manufacturing: A multilevel network analysis

Current research students


Dr Aya Awad - University for Modern Sciences and Arts, Cairo

Dr Christos Bassayannis - SAP, Shanghai

Ann Braithwaite - Managing Director, TurquoiseNZ

Dr Terry Brett - IBM

Dr Emmanuel Igwe

Dr Dawn Foster - Pivotal

Dr Cornell Jackson - University of Leeds

Dr Hoang Luong - Goldsmiths University

Dr Stefanos Michiotis - Tetras Consulting

Bankole Olagibaye - Centrica

Dr Anna Piazza - University College London

Dr Mohammed Sadek - University for Modern Sciences and Arts, Cairo

Dr Yasaman Sarabi - Herriot Watt University

Dr Julia Schoenbrunn - Koester & Partner

Dr Matthew Smith - Napier Edinburgh University

Dr Sergey Sosnovskikh - De Montfort University

Dr Srinidhi Vasudevan - Çï¿ûÊÓƵ