Research activities

NUSC | Past Events

NUSC frequently organises local and international events for research and training.


  • 14 June 2024, HH103
    • Panel - Decolonising International Business
    • Dr Tanya Jurado, Massey University - Exploring the internationalisation of indigenous enterprises: embedding strategies
    • Dr Francisca da Gama -The evolution of the national discourse on Chinese mining in Ecuador
    • Dr Shoaib Ul Haq - Decolonising social movements in Tunisia
  • 7 June 2024, HH103
    • Dr Guodong Cheng Trapped in algorithm: Accountability and human rights in Chinese online food delivery services
    • NUSC Strategy Review
  • 17 May 2024, HH102
    • Valeria Cannizzaro, University of Palermo - Talking out loud on sustainability: what is the role of ESG performance and national culture?
    • Natasha Lawlor-Morrison and Francisca Da Gama - UK parliamentary narratives on international students and migration: a discourse network analysis
  • 3 May 2024, HH103
    • Steven Brown - What are the obstacles and enablers for stakeholders engaging in open strategy settings?
      Guido Conaldi – Network Canvass demonstration
    • Bruce Cronin – Qualtrics demonstration
  • 19 Apr 2024, HH102
    • Valeria Cannizzaro, University of Palermo - Do institutional pressures influence ESG disclosure within CEO letters? Evidence from Europe.
    • Rafeekh Kanakkan Thodi: Evaluating the Persistence of Interlocking Directorates in the OECD
  • 15 Mar 2024, Gather Virtual Meeting
    • Expanding the NUSC PhD Offer
  • 1 Mar 2024, HH103
    • Alejandro Espinosa-Rada ETH Zurich - Co-evolution of a socio-cognitive scientific network: A case study of citation dynamics among astronomers
    • Shirley Mansfield Innovate UK- Innovate UK’s Business Growth Programme
  • 2 Feb 2024. HH103.
    • Alan Freeman, University of Manitoba: Green Creative Transformation: lessons from London.
  • 19 Jan 2024. HH103. 
    • Dr Francesca Pallotti, Dr Guido Conaldi and Dr Shaob Ul Haq  - Publishing in Top Tier Management Journals.


  • 8 Dec 2023. NUSC Xmas Lunch, Bill's.
  • 8 Dec 2023. HH102.
    • Prof Bruce Cronin - Introducing Orbis and Factiva
    • Dr Jingxi Huang - Does a Place Label on a Paper Cup Make You Recycle?
    • Dr Mao (Maggie) Xu - Boeing 737 Max aviation disasters and market value of firms: an empirical analysis of aviation ecosystem.
  • 24 Nov 2023. HH102.
    • Dr Mingchu Wang - Knowledge transfer through international entrepreneurship: An integrative review and future research agenda
    • Jiawei Li - Development and validation of a scale measuring socially sustainable tourist behaviour
    • Wei Nie, Cambridge University - An ontology for defining and characterizing demonstration environments
    • Wei Nie, Cambridge University - Study of supply chain blind spots: Publicly available data, data translation and big data analytics
  • 10 Nov 2023. HH103. Developing Impact Workshop
  • 27 Oct 2023 QM269. Seminar Series
    • Prof Li Zhou - Live streaming for manufacturers: Implications for pricing strategy
  • 29 Sept 2023 HH103. Seminar Series
    • Junlin Wu - Incorporating production trade-offs in DEA models with ratio inputs and outputs: An application to schools in England.
    • Dr Guodong Cheng - Corporate human rights accountability: Contextualising the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in Chinese supply chains.
  • 14 July 2023 HH103. Seminar Series
    • Dr Martina Testori - Making sustainable choices for the next generation
    • Roshini Nandasena - Transformational tourism: Exploring the nature of tourist transformations through memorable experiences in Sri Lanka and their implications for sustainable tourism
    • Dr Mingchu Wang - No Continent is an Island: African Returnees as International Knowledge Agents
  • 7 July - NUSC Summer Lunch, Zizzi's
  • 7 July 2023. HH103 Seminar Series
    • Dr Carlos F.A. Arranz - The dynamics of institutional support for the development of circular economy in firms : A system dynamics and machine learning perspective
    • Dr Xinrui Liu - Returnee entrepreneurs’ culturally imprinted international experience: Effects on entrepreneurial orientation and post-entry speed of internationalisation
    • Ekoua Jose-Maria Danho - Empowering or perpetuating gender social hierarchies? An exploration of disadvantaged women entrepreneurs' interactions within the French entrepreneurial ecosystem
  • 29-30 June 2023 Sustainable Urban Futures Conference
  • 19-23 June 2023 NUSC Summer School in Social Network Analysis
  • 2 June 2023. HH103. Seminar Series
    • Olakunle Oni - Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) and their impacts on Emerging Economies (EE): A case study of Nigeria.
    • Dr Haining Wang - A framework to conceptualise AI transparency.
    • Dr Francesca Pallotti, Dr Daniele Mascia (LUISS University), Dr Neela S. Mühlemann - Keep your leader close: A multilevel investigation of advice networks, identification and change responses.
    • Dr Stefano Ghinoi, Dr Kim Bui, Dr Yanga Wu - Hidden champions’ networking strategies : A focus on Chinese companies.
  • 5 May 2023. HH103. Seminar Series
    • Natasha Lawlor-Morrison -  Understanding and developing learning agility
    • Dr Shoaib Ul Haq - Reputational eclipse and crisis: A case study of Uber
    • Prof Bruce Cronin, Dr Sara Gorgoni, Dr Guido Conaldi, Dr Anna Piazza, Dr Antoinette Saint Hilaire, Prof Riccardo De Vita - Productivity and innovation in remote work
  • 24 March 2023.11_2017. Strategy Session.
  • 3 March 2023. Cooper Powerhouse. Seminar Series
    • Dr Sallyanne Decker and Dr Linda Hyder -  Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
    • Dr Grace O’Rourke - Hedonistic deconsumption and upcycling: Active, emotional and pleasurable engagement with waste
    • Ali Al Busaidi - The multifaceted effects of multiplexity on job satisfaction
  • 3 Feb 2023. QA063. Seminar Series
    • Prof Andres Coca Stefaniak and Assoc Prof Jin Chen - How to approach applications for external research funding.
    • Dr Quang (James) Duong, Prof Li Zhou and Tiep Nguyen - How does e-retailer’s return policy leniency influences customer satisfaction? Evidence from Walmart marketplace
    • Dr Kamran Sarmadi – Multimodal distribution network design problem for returnable transport items with uncertainty
  • 20 Jan 2023. 11_2017. Seminar Series
    • Prof Li Zhou – What makes an article interesting?
    • Dr Oyinkansola Odunjo – Sustaining Corporate Social Responsibility Through Authentic Experiences
    • Tiep Nguyen, Prof Li Zhou, Dr Quang Duong – How to improve car resale value? Evidence from CarGurus.com
    • Dr Lucien Von Schomberg – Escaping the Panopticon in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism


  • 9 December 2022. HH103. Seminar Series.
    • Dr. Mingchu Wang, The Angel within the Devil: Unpacking the Impact of External Shock on Workplace Networks in Entrepreneurial Ventures
    • Dr. Bálint Diószegi, Understanding Search Strategies at Networking Events: An Exploratory Study using Sociometric Badges
    • Prof Bruce Cronin. Combining Online and Offline for Scientific Collaboration
  • 18 Nov 2022. HH103. Paper Development Workshop
  • 21 Oct 2022. HH103. Decentralised Finance Workshop - where we are and what next?
  • 14 Oct 2022. HH103. Welcome to the Networks and Urban Systems Centre.
  • 12-16 Sept 2022. 6th European Social Networks Conference. Çï¿ûÊÓƵ.
  • 20-24 June 2022. NUSC  Summer School in Network Analysis. Çï¿ûÊÓƵ.
  • 25 Feb 2022. HH103. Refresh Plan.



  • 15 May 2020. MS Teams. NUSC Doctoral Seminar:
    • Yehui Hu - An introduction to the evolution of guanxi within Chinese large-scale exhibition service market.
    • Quang Doung - Application of big data analytics in managing product returns.
    • Mark Phillimore - Organisational legitimacy and reputation: links and differences
    • Aya Awad - The evaluation of development strategies and proposals upgrading: A case study on informal settlements in Cairo
      Mohamed Sadek - New town place identity: the case of the greater Cairo Region, Egypt
  • 15 April 2020. MS Teams. Dr Hanif Majepoor - Logistics modelling project update.
  • 15 Feb 2020. 10-1, QA063:
    • Prof Lin Wang,  Chongqing Technology and Business University  - Exploratory and exploitative service innovation in manufacturing: The role of ties with service intermediaries​
    • Prof Bruce Cronin - An introduction to the High Performance Computing facility.
    • Canmei Tao - Funding opportunities.
  • 6-10 Jan 2020. NUSC Winter School in Social Network Analysis.


  • 5 Dec 2019. 10.30-1, QA075:
    • 1. Dr Jin Chan - FACET project overview
    • 2. Prof Amar Ramudhin, Hull University - Research group and projects overview
  • 22 Nov 2019. 1:30-4pm QA075:
    • Jean Malan - Developing research impact
    • Dr Hanif Majepoor - Logistics modelling project outline.
  • 11 Oct 2019. 10-1  QA063:
    • Dr Li Zhou - Predicting customer demand for re-manufactured products: A data-mining approach
    • Dr Ya Yang -Cross perishable effect on optimal inventory preservation control.
  • 9-12 Sept 2019. , Zurich.
  • 9-12 July 2019,. Çï¿ûÊÓƵ.
  • 9-11 July 2019. International Workshop on Networks and Urban Systems, Çï¿ûÊÓƵ.
  • 3-14 June 2019. NUSC Summer School in Social Network Analysis:
    • 3-5 June: 3 Day Social Networks Introductory Workshop
    • 10-14 June: 5 Day GADPro in Social Networks - Summer of DANS
  • 31 May 2019, 10-1, QA075: NUSC Extended Abstract Hack.