Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Enterprise Web Software Development

Module summary

Module code: COMP1640
Level: 6
Credits: 15
School: Engineering and Science
Department: Computing and Mathematical Sci.
Module Coordinator(s): Matthew Prichard


Pre and co requisites

Knowledge of interactive web design methods (e.g. UCD or AGILE), front end web technologies, programmable server side web technologies and web accessible databases.


To give students practical experience of working in an agile scrum team to build a large-scale data-driven role-based web/intranet enterprise system for a complex business workflow using web technologies, where they will need to extend their knowledge of relevant design, technical and managerial issues in order to meet the requirements.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
1 Evaluate the product, team members and the development process in an agile scrum team environment with members from diverse backgrounds.
2 Synthesise and manage a wide range of technologies to meet business, security and quality requirements.
3 Demonstrate substantial ability to develop creative solutions to problems, and to think independently, analytically and creatively whilst communicating clearly and effectively, in a range of forms, taking account of different audiences.

Indicative content

Agile development using scrum methodology; User Centred Design; requirements specifications and testing using User Stories; Information Architecture of enterprise web sites and intranets; security issues; accessibility and usability issues; advanced relevant programming and database concepts; relevant Quality Assurance techniques; relevant legal, social, ethical and professional issues. Employability is enhanced by requiring students to solve problems independently. There is the opportunity to make sensible assumptions in real life scenarios and to reflect on skills gained and the impact of the proposed solution. There is a substantial written element in the assessment emphasising clear formatting, spelling and grammar within a clear, well-reasoned narrative. Presentation skills and group working are also key to the assessment.

Teaching and learning activity

Each week there will be a 2 hour lecture and a 1 hour tutorial session. The lectures will focus on the issues affecting the design, development and management of large scale web and intranet applications by teams following agile scrum methods and using User Centred Design. The tutorials will consist of agile team meetings with the tutor playing the role of the client. The teams will need to meet several times a week outside of lecture and tutorial times in order to complete the coursework, and students will need to contribute their own time in learning new skills and technologies as appropriate. Learning Time lectures 24; tutorials 12; independent work as part of team coursework 45; independent online work 69; Total hours 150.


Group Coursework and Individual Report: 100%
Pass mark: 40%
LO: 1, 2, 3.
3000 words.
Outline Details:
Participate in a team using agile scrum methods to produce a specified product. Individual team members will get a mark based on their contribution to the team effort.
Individual reflective report evaluating the product, the process, the team and themselves.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning:
Students will work in teams of 5-7 using Agile Scrum methods to build the product specified in the summative assessment. As part of this, each team will be required to maintain a repository of documentation and produce a prototype design. They will be required by specified deadlines to produce screencasts demonstrating the content of the repository and the quality of the design. These screencasts will be show to the class and feedback given to each team by the lecturer and students.