Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Sustainable Events

Module summary

Module code: CATE1175
Level: 5
Credits: 15
School: Greenwich Business School
Department: Management and Marketing
Module Coordinator(s): Joanna Goodey


Pre and co requisites



The aim of this course is to equip students with an understanding of the various dimensions of sustainability and its contested interpretations in the events industry. The course provides a theoretical and practical understanding of sustainability and its prospects for successful implementation in a variety of event formats.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
LO1 Critique the contextual relationship between the principles of sustainability and the management of events.
LO2 Evaluate debates and key methods related to the management of sustainability in the events industry.
LO3 Explain the future of sustainable events and their role in influencing people’s behaviour and social change.

Indicative content

• Introduction to sustainability: origins, ideas and definitions
• Exploring the relationship between sustainability, destinations (incl. venues) and the events industry
• Impacts of sustainable events (incl. economic, environmental and socio-cultural) • Logistics of sustainable events
• Creating sustainable event legacies
• Sustainable event management techniques (e.g. eco labelling, accreditation, standards and certifications)
• Influencing people’s behaviour through sustainability thinking in events
• Future directions in the development of sustainable events

Teaching and learning activity

Lectures explain the core concepts of sustainability and sustainable development as well as the key models and frameworks of sustainability.
Group Study:
The group presentation will enable students to work in teams to research, develop and deliver this assignment.
Self-directed learning:
Students will be directed to use the literature and resources on sustainability and texts specifically related to sustainable events management in their background readings and module assessments.


Group Presentation - 40%
LO1, LO2.
Pass mark - 40%
Students will work in groups to create and deliver a 15 minute presentation. Within the presentation students will research and identify difference conceptual and cultural definitions of Sustainability. They will analyse approaches to sustainable events management by presenting case studies, and identify gaps in sustainable practices and present innovative sustainable business opportunities.

Essay - 60%
LO1, LO2, LO3.
Pass mark - 40%
2000 words.
Students will write an essay on key issues related to the management of sustainability in the events industry, including contemporary debates and future directions. The essay will be based on academic literature and will explore relevant models and theories, and relate these to suitable case studies

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment/task supporting student learning:
For the group presentation, formative task activities will take place in tutorials with the tutor guiding the students who are working in their groups in researching and creating their presentation.
For the essay, students have already had experience in writing an essay in their first year and will be able to show a draft outline of their essay assignment to the tutor for feedback.