Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Food: Production and Consumption

Module summary

Module code: CATE1172
Level: 4
Credits: 15
School: Greenwich Business School
Department: Management and Marketing
Module Coordinator(s): Maria Gebbels


Pre and co requisites



The aim of this module is to equip students with knowledge and an understanding of the various dimensions of food and its fundamental role within the hospitality industry. This module will also enable students to engage, review and explain key contemporary aspects related to food production and consumption, and its relationship with society and culture.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
1. Develop an awareness of the relationship between different dimensions of food in the hospitality industry.
2. Review the key contemporary debates and discourses on food and its interrelationships with society and culture.
3. Çï¿ûÊÓƵ the role food consumption and production plays in influencing people’s behaviour with reference to global socio- economic trends.

Indicative content

• Introduction to the module and assessments’ briefing.
• Food, society and culture: the meaning of food.
• Customer preferences and cultural diversity.
• Consumer behaviour in restaurant sector.
• Consuming art?: Food as art.
• Culinary figures: from innovation to innovation.
• Food production and supply chain issues.
• Morality and ethics of food consumption.
• Food, wine and the meal experience.

Teaching and learning activity

The module is structured around interactive lectures, seminars, tutorials and workshops. The lectures are delivered using Prezi, the interactive presentation design software. Students are encouraged to work in small teams during tutorial activities. To support this module, a case study called Momo Mia was designed together with an entrepreneur and hospitality industry specialist. Throughout the duration of the module, students work on answering the case study questions relevant to the content covered during specific lectures.


Method of Summative Assessment: Poster Board.
Learning Outcomes: 1,2&3.
Grading Mode: Numeric.
Weighting: 80%.
Pass Mark: 40.
Word Length: 2000
Outline Details: Students are required to design a poster board about their chosen food trend or issue in the hospitality industry, highlighting its direct links to wider cultural and social norms/ trends,

Method of Summative Assessment: Annotated Bibliography.
Learning Outcomes: 1,2&3.
Grading Mode: Numeric.
Weighting: 20%.
Pass Mark: 40.
Word Length: 800 words.
Outline Details: This individual assignment requires students to outline the key literature on a chosen food trend or issue, summarizing (annotating) each source in 100 words (written in 3rd person) and its relevance to the hospitality industry and wider cultural and social norms/ trends.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning
Regular meetings with the module leader in which the student will receive written and/oral feedback on their work at the various stages as it develops.

Students are not required to pass all elements of summative assessment in order to pass the course.