Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Innovation in Competitive Environments

Module summary

Module code: BUSI1327
Level: 5
Credits: 15
School: Greenwich Business School
Department: Business, Ops and Strategy
Module Coordinator(s): John Tull



The aim of this module is threefold:
1) to equip students with knowledge around research & development (R&D) and innovation trends, theories and practices;
2) to provide students with key principles, tools and frameworks to develop and contribute to creative organisations and ecosystems;
3) to engage students in creative thinking to develop, analyse and manage ideas for innovation.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
1 critically appreciate current innovation and research & development (R&D) trends;
2 master a set of tools to promote creativity and innovation within and across teams and organisations;
3 apply different approaches to creativity and innovation in a variety of organisational settings.

Indicative content

The following intellectual content will be introduced, discussed and developed during this course; Fundamental concepts including categorisation and models of innovation. Firm level innovation activities in pressurised and fast moving environments, innovation strategies, knowledge management, organisational forms for innovation types, innovation networks, small firms and cluster formation.

Teaching and learning activity

Lectures, small group discussions, one hour workshop activities, student presentations to the class.


Individual Report - 100%
LO - 1-3.
Pass mark - 40%
3000 words.
The task requires students to apply theory to innovation management practice.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning:
Student group presentation on an open innovation case.