Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Operating in Emerging Markets

Module summary

Module code: BUSI1575
Level: 5
Credits: 15
School: Greenwich Business School
Department: Business, Ops and Strategy
Module Coordinator(s): Zheyuan Hu



This module is designed to provide a general foundation and understanding of the business environment, opportunities, risks and managerial challenges of emerging markets. Students will engage with business scenario in emerging markets and be expected to demonstrate a practical knowledge of how business and managerial ideas and concepts translate into business decisions.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
1 Understand general peculiarities of the emerging markets, including their culture and the structure and organisation of their political and administrative systems;
2 Show awareness of key market trends in growing business segments and key industries in the emerging markets;
3 Understand how to consider these peculiarities and market trends for successful marketing of products and services to customers located in the emerging markets;
4 Get practical exposure on running business operations and negotiations with counterparts in each of the countries.

Indicative content

The module will cover three main modules: Part 1: An Overview of Emerging Markets - Globalisation and Emerging Economics - Business System - Political, Legal, Institutions and Cultural Frameworks - Emerging Market Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) Part 2: Analysis of Emerging Countries Brazil, Russia, India, China, Indonesia, Turkey Part 3: Operation and Management in Emerging Markets - Risks and Managing Risks - Human Resource Management and Human Capital - Marketing in Emerging Countries - Digital Business - Regionalism and Production Network.

Teaching and learning activity

This module will be delivered through a series of lectures (12 one-hour lectures) and small group tutorials (12 one-hour tutorials), which will include the use of a simulation game (Edumundo), case studies, and learner centred learning. The Module is designed following the Research-Based and Technology-Enhanced Learning strategy. Lectures will introduce topics, theoretical concepts and real-world business issues. Lectures will allow students to compare different analytical tools and strategic approaches, and small group tutorials will allow students to develop possible business solutions. In tutorials, students will conduct market entry research on a country using a computer-based stimulation game. Within the simulation, students will manage a global production company. Tutorials and stimulation will allow students to use material presented in lectures, investigate company problems, analyse financial data, make judgements on the evidence (finance, news items, PESTEL, etc), identify and make decision on market entry strategy and operation, and finally present their research result in poster format. The students will be able to connect theories with business practices and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.


Individual Report - 70% weighting, 40% pass mark.
Learning outcomes 1 - 4.
Outline Details - Students will carry out research and investigation on simulation exercise and present individual report. 2,000 words.

Group Poster - 30% weighting, 40% pass mark.
Learning outcomes 1 - 4.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning:
- Students will be formative assessed through in-class and group work by means of the group poster presentation and the individual report.