Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Fundamentals of International Business Strategy

Module summary

Module code: BUSI1651
Level: 4
Credits: 15
School: Greenwich Business School
Department: Business, Ops and Strategy
Module Coordinator(s): Francesca Pallotti



• Introduce students to fundamentals theories in international business, which will help them throughout their undergraduate degree;
• Equip students with a set of micro-economic concepts and analytical tools to analyse real business cases;
• Familiarize students with the range of topics that influence the formulation and implementation of international strategies;
• Familiarize students with external and internal environments of firms; types of market structures and competitive analysis; interdependence of strategy and organizational design principles;
• Provide students with an appreciation of the concept and practice of business strategy within an international, global context, by making extensive use of examples, case studies, and group works.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this Module a student will be able to:
1 Describe and present relevant theories in international business, strategy and organisational design;
2 Describe and understand strategic choices based on microeconomic principles and techniques;
3 Conduct research and apply theory to practice and apply various frameworks and techniques associated with ‘doing’ international business strategy;
4 Develop critical and analytical skills to diagnose organisational situations and appreciate alternative choices and approaches for managing people and processes in and around organisations.

Indicative content

The economic foundations of strategy and organizational design; market and competitive analysis; the internal organization of firms; the multinational corporation.

Teaching and learning activity

The Module attempts to achieve a balance between a learner-driven and a tutor-driven experience. The Module will consist of one-hour lecture and one-hour tutorial per week.
The lectures provide a framework supportive of student-centred learning of fundamentals of international business strategy. Students will be introduced to concepts and frameworks used to analyse business strategies by using international business and organization theories, as well as economic principles. Each tutorial relates to the lecture topics and material for that week. During tutorials students will be asked to work on real business case studies to enable them to apply the perspectives, tools and techniques learned during the lectures, and to discuss the key strategic issues and problems facing multinational companies in a global world. Students will be asked to work independently or in groups by performing simple tasks aimed at translating theoretical concepts and ideas into practice.


Article Review - 50%
LO - 1,3.
Pass mark - 40%
1500 words.
Students are expected to submit a review of an article of their choice related to the material discussed in class up to the submission date.

Exam - 50%
LO - 2,4.
Pass mark - 40%
1.5 hours.
At the end of the Module students are expected to complete an exam, 1.5hrs hours.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning:
Engagement with the Module assessed on the basis of weekly tasks that are given to students at the end of each tutorial.