Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Event Finance, Sponsorship and Partnership

Module summary

Module code: FINA1128
Level: 4
Credits: 15
School: Greenwich Business School
Department: Management and Marketing
Module Coordinator(s): Pamela Zigomo



The aim of this Module is to provide students with an essential understanding of the important role of financial management within an event. This Module will enable students to understand key terminology in event finance. Students will apply common methods of budgeting as part of a logically sequenced planning process, and utilise different forms of evaluation related to Return on Investment (ROI). This Module also equips students with the knowledge to assess the benefits of alternative revenue sources including sponsorship.

Learning outcomes

1. Apply the principles of event financial planning and control to worked examples
2. Apply different forms of Return on Investment (ROI) in relation to event finance including sponsorship
3. Assess the sponsorship of an event case study in terms of key industry and academic best practice dimensions.

Indicative content

Financial terminology; Financial planning and control – budgeting; project cost breakdown structures; Important elements and benefits of events sponsorship and management, including the sponsorship proposal; Alternatives to sponsorship – alternative revenue sources (merchandise, grants, philanthropy; broadcasting content); Analysis of financial statements – Measuring Return on Investment (ROI).

Teaching and learning activity

The learning and teaching activities for this Module have been designed to reflect the learning outcomes and promote active learning and discovery. Activities will include: - lectures (face-to-face and video) individual and group based tutorials; computer–mediated online quizzes; in-class problem-based activities, flipped learning sessions; case study analysis as well as self-study supported by structured learning materials.


Method of Summative Assessment: Report
LO: 1,2&3
Grading Mode: Numeric
Weighting: 100
Pass Mark: 40
Word Length: 3000
Outline Details: Students are required to write a report that analyses the sponsorship portfolio for a case study of their choice

Method of Formative Assessment: 50 minute quiz on the principles of event finance