Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Management Practice 1

Module summary

Module code: INDU1106
Level: 4
Credits: 15
School: Greenwich Business School
Department: Business, Ops and Strategy
Module Coordinator(s): David Williams / Raluca Marinciu



This module will provide students with a range of theoretical and practical knowledge, giving them the opportunity to understand, discuss and evaluate the use of performance management in organisations. It will enable students to develop and apply performance management tools and techniques to specific organisational contexts in which they might operate.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course a student will be able to:

1. Have a precise understanding of the distinct concepts of performance, performance measurement and performance management;
2. To identify the main steps in the design of performance measurement processes such as indicators, data collection, analysis and reporting;
3. To recognise the different tools, mechanisms and users in the performance management system;
4. To understand some of the paradoxes and challenges of performance management in organisations.

Indicative content

Performance management consists of two parallel and mutually supportive processes. The first is the informal, day-to-day management of employees by their immediate line manager. The second is the formal framework within which the performance of individuals and teams is assessed and improved. This module promotes the concept of performance management as a continuous process of identifying, measuring and developing the performance of individuals and aligning that performance with the strategic goals of the organisation. Students will be introduced to a range of topics including: Defining performance and choosing a measurement approach; measuring results and behaviours; gathering performance information; implementing a performance management system and employee development. From a practice perspective, it reviews challenges involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of performance management.

Teaching and learning activity

Students are expected to undertake pre-reading and take a more active role within discussions and case studies used. Students will be encouraged to use their own knowledge and experience as part of discussion and investigation of theoretical application. As the assessment of the Module will be 100% Module work, tutorials will be utilised to enable students to discuss their learning and development plus progress towards completion of the Modulework. This module provides weekly interactive lectures and tutorials with the use of case studies, videos and discussion questions.


Case Study Exercise featuring a performance management topic - 100% weighting, 40% pass mark.
Learning Outcomes 1 - 4.
Outline Details - Case study based on an organisational scenario related to performance management where students have to develop practices in line with the organisations’ requirements. 2,000 Words.

Formative Assessment - A number of case studies and exercises will be used in class to support preparation of case study assessment.