Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Teams in Organisations

Module summary

Module code: INDU1107
Level: 5
Credits: 15
School: Greenwich Business School
Department: Business, Ops and Strategy
Module Coordinator(s): Bernadette Ryan



This course will further deepen the student's understanding of Organisational Behaviour by examining inter and intra group processes within organisations. Students will understand that effective group management is essential to organisational success and that membership of supportive groups can be beneficial to individual well-being. The themes of ethics and well-being will be developed throughout the course.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
LO1 Understand group processes and social influence.
LO2 Understand the impact of organisational culture on group behaviour.
LO3 Understand the ethical and well-being responsibilities of management in relation to managing teams.
LO4 Have insight into own role in group dynamics.
LO5 Understand the role of power in relation to individuals, teams and organisations.
LO6 Apply critical thinking in relationship to, for example, evaluating and criticising theoretical models of teams.

Indicative content

Apply theory and experience to understanding group behaviour in an organisational setting. Students will understand the impact of the group on social identity. Students will explore group decision making through the phenomena of groupthink, risky shift and group polarisation phenomena. The course will explore roles and identities, interactions between people, groups and teams (dynamics, processes), components of successful groups, dysfunctional groups, team roles, team development. The course will explore conflict and power in group settings. Conformity studies will be used to gain insights into group norms, obedience, agency, social influence, stereotyping. The importance of well-being will be explored through membership of the group. The growth and challenge of virtual work groups will be explored as well as how to understand and managing organisational culture and change.

Teaching and learning activity

The course combines a range of teaching and learner-centred activities such as face to face lectures and workshops, facilitated by the course tutor, course team and external speakers. Group work will be used as a means to experience and reflect on groups and own role within groups. Team presentations will be utilised to facilitate team working and as a vehicle for immediate tutor feedback. The application of theory to personal experience will be explored through formative and summative assessment and class discussion. Case studies, online resources such as Moodle, video clips, online articles and textbooks will support students in their learning and teaching. Moodle will also be utilised to provide additional learning opportunities and materials.


Essay - 80%
LO - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6.
Pass mark - 40%
2,500 words.

Presentation - 20%
LO - 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6.
Pass mark - 40%
500 word equivalent.
Students will work in groups on a case study which will allow them to apply theoretical concepts of groups to real-life.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning: Case studies and exercises will be used to support the presentation and essay, for example, current events which demonstrate the power of groups.