Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Managing the Event Workforce

Module summary

Module code: INDU1149
Level: 5
Credits: 15
School: Greenwich Business School
Department: Management and Marketing
Module Coordinator(s): Thi-Hong Hai Nguyen


Pre and co requisites



The aim of this module is to develop students’ knowledge of the key issues relating to managing the event human resource. Students will become familiar with key human resource management techniques, gain an understanding of the principles of managing a work force in the unique setting of event management and learn to analyse the role of the event workforce, including the variety and scope of the roles, and gain an understanding of the skills needed to work, manage and lead in the event industry. The aim of the course is for students to develop both an understanding of HRM within the business management aspect of the event industry and to recognise the needs of their own personal and professional development.

Learning outcomes

1 Identify the key functions of human resource management that help enhance an organisations effectiveness
2 Analyse key contemporary issues of managing an event workforce, including leadership and cultural diversity
3 Reflect upon the importance of recruitment, selection, training and development in an events business and upon their own abilities and development needs

Indicative content

• Introduction to human resource management in an event setting
• Recruitment, selection, training and development
• Leadership and followship and talent management
• Human resource planning, including volunteerism and motivation
• Aesthetic and emotional labour in the event industry

Teaching and learning activity

The course will employ a variety of teaching and learning methods such as lectures, tutorials, seminars, case study analysis, guest lectures, directed reading and independent reading and research. Structured self-study will be facilitated with help of Moodle. The overall teaching and learning strategy is designed to emphasise a student-centred approach to foster the active and reflective engagement of students in the learning process.


Essay - 100%
LO - 1-3.
Pass mark - 40%
3000 words.
Students will write an essay on a contemporary issue relating to the management of an event resource.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning:
In-class discussions.