Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Dissertation in Law

Module summary

Module code: LAW0829
Level: 6
Credits: 30
School: Liberal Arts and Sciences
Department: Law and Criminology
Module Coordinator(s): Kristian Humble



The aim of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to carry out a critical, in-depth study in an area of particular interest, introduce students to research methodologies, encourage initiative and the investigative reading of background and source materials, enable students to formulate complex information and develop the skills associated with an appropriate critical analysis and require students to manage their work effectively.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:

1. Identify an original research topic in co-operation with a designated academic supervisor.
2. To write an extended piece of academic writing on a legal topic.
3. Develop the skills necessary to engaged in a critical analysis of legal topic.
4. Demonstrate initiative in the definition, design and execution of the dissertation.
5. Engage in either empirical or literature-based research to demonstrate that they have met the aims of their dissertation and accomplished the learning outcomes.
6. Completed an original piece of written work consisting of 12,000 words.

Indicative content

Content will depend on the legal topic chosen by the student in agreement with the academic supervisor.

Teaching and learning activity

All students receive one-on-one supervision in the pursuance of their dissertation. Students are also offered additional support in specialist research training and techniques where appropriate. The dissertation will be supported primarily through individual supervision sessions. The course leader will provide students with workshops at the beginning of the academic session to go through the methodology and requirements of the dissertation.


Method of Summative Assessment: Dissertation.
Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5&6.
Grading Mode: Numeric.
Weighting: 100%.
Pass Mark: 40%.
Word Length: 12,000 Words.
Outline Details: The summative assessment will consist of a written dissertation on a legal topic and presented in a style and format consistent with the course dissertation guidelines. Dissertations will be jointly assessed by the supervisor and a second assessor, using criteria which reflect the principal learning outcomes specified above.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning:
This will be a continuous assessment with progress reports from the academic supervisor.