Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Competition Law

Module summary

Module code: LAW1128
Level: 6
Credits: 30
School: Liberal Arts and Sciences
Department: Law and Criminology
Module Coordinator(s): Namitasha Wallace Goring


Pre and co requisites

Public Law (and preferably EU law)


The purpose of this course is to teach students the provisions of both EU and UK competition law. The course will aim to consider important business phenomena in the market. In particular, the study of competition law covers the substantive laws relating to the control of monopolies and oligopolies, merger control, anti-competitive agreements and the abuse of dominant positions. The course will cover specific industries regulated by competition law (possibly telecommunications, publishing or air transport) and the behaviour of specific companies (i.e. Microsoft, Intel and Google). The emphasis is placed predominantly on EU competition law to reflect the importance it assumes in practice. Even in the face of Brexit, transitional arrangements are likely to keep this area intact for some time. UK competition law will also be taught, both because of its value in providing a comparative study of two systems and because it is important for future UK based practitioners.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:

1 Critically analyse the relevance of competition law in the legal system and in the study of law
2 Evaluate and use legal materials in competition law to show awareness of its different perspectives in practical cases
3 Develop sophisticated research skills in using online sources and planning a proposal and writing an extended essay
4 Investigate the basic components of competition law and critically appraise the concepts lying behind those components
5 Critically examine and reflect on the fundamental legal principles behind the regulations of competition law and how these are applied in a business context
6 demonstrate an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the substantive principles of competition law, as applied in a practical context acquire problem-solving techniques and be able to present coherent, concise legal argument

Indicative content

Antitrust economics, Article 101 TFEU, Article 102 TFEU, Mergers, EU Competition Law enforcement, Regulation 1/2003, UK Competition Law, The relationship between UK and EU Competition Authorities, Specific industries (i.e. telecommunications, transport).

Teaching and learning activity

The course will be taught through a combination of lectures and seminars in the first term where students lead many of the seminars in groups to present solutions to the class. In the second term, there are workshops and then, supervisions on an individual basis to support the independent research work of each student. Seminars will be used to reinforce the lecture programme and to provide a forum for more detailed examination of the issues raised and for problem-solving activities. Workshops and supervision in term two will be designed to help students in the choice of a research topic and support students in developing their coursework which will require use of all legal resources, including electronic databases.


Method of Summative Assessment: Exam.
Learning Outcomes: 1.2.3.&4.
Grading Mode: Numeric.
Weighting: 50%.
Pass Mark: 40.
Word Length: n/a.
Outline Details: 2 hour paper.

Method of Summative Assessment: Extended Essay.
Learning Outcomes: 5&6.
Grading Mode: Numeric.
Weighting: 50%
Pass Mark: 40.
Word Length: 5000 words.
Outline Details: Independently researched work.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning
There will be presentations in seminars, during term one, in small teams, to advise clients with staff feedback at the end. In term two, there will be supervision on by-monthly basis for students to present and get feedback on draft chapters.