Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Human Rights Law

Module summary

Module code: LAW1249
Level: 4
Credits: 15
School: Liberal Arts and Sciences
Department: Law and Criminology
Module Coordinator(s): Victoria Adkins / Gertrude Amarh



This is a 15 credit elective for first-year undergraduates studying LLB law and Law combined courses. The aim of the course is to develop students’ ability to comprehend, question, evaluate and critically analyse a range of discourses relevant to legal contexts in the context of studying a substantive law subject. In order to write successfully in an academic legal context, students need to be able to analyse texts for relevant material, synthesise ideas from a number of sources (including legislation, case reports, journal articles and textbooks) and apply their knowledge to the problem scenarios and essay titles presented to them in their own words. Through the study of human rights law and civil liberties the students will be encouraged to engage with primary sources and build on the skills being taught in other level 4 courses.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module a student will be able to:
1 Demonstrate knowledge of the Human Rights Act 1998 and the content of the European Convention on Human Rights 1950
2 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the Convention and the common law
3 Recognise and produce a range of academic genres such as explanation, exposition, description and argument
4 To apply argumentation skills to academic writing, including establishing one’s own opinion, building a logical, coherent and well-structured argument around this and using evidence to back up an argument

5 To use skills in to compare, contrast and evaluate information from different sources of information

6 To have a successful approach to the writing process including awareness of the importance of planning, drafting, editing and revising.

Indicative content

Content will include an introduction to human rights in the UK and will include in depth foundational knowledge of human rights topics which will include: terrorism, liberty, freedom of expression, right to a fair trial, privacy and right to family life. The module is based around the following:
• Civil Liberties under the Common Law
• The Human Rights Act 1998
• The European Convention on Human Rights 1950

Teaching and learning activity

The module is based around weekly seminars and lectures.


Method of Summative Assessment: Essay.
Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6.
Grading Mode: Numeric.
Weighting: 100%.
Pass Mark: 40%.
Word Length: 2500 words.
Outline Details: This is an extended essay which explores a human rights topic. The students are given a choice of topic from those which have been studied.

Nature of FORMATIVE assessment supporting student learning:
The module builds writing skills through seminar work which has been established in other Level 4 skills modules (LAW1205 and LAW1183). Formative assessment:
Presentation – the students form research groups and present on a topic in which they want to do their final essay on. This allows the student to gain feedback on the research they have already undertaken.