Undergraduate courses

Course Information

Contemporary Issues in Marketing

Module summary

Module code: MARK1120
Level: 6
Credits: 15
School: Greenwich Business School
Department: Management and Marketing
Module Coordinator(s): Maruf Salimon / Yakun Zhang



This course aims to provide the students with better understanding of current issues and challenges in marketing, with a special focus on ethics, technology and consumer culture. It also enables students to critically evaluate the key theories, concepts, models and ideas in relevant academic literature in order to effectively apply contemporary issues in the field and practical examples in contemporary marketing industry.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course a student will be able to:

1 Understand and evaluate the key theories, models and concepts in marketing industry, with a special reference to ethics, technology and consumer culture.

2 Actively engage with the current marketing practice with theoretical tools.

3 Critically reflect on the contemporary issues, challenges and practices in marketing

Indicative content

This course draws on three theoretical strands, namely ethics, technology and consumer culture. It covers both theoretical and practical aspects of marketing industry by engaging contemporary issues with relevant theoretical approaches.

Teaching and learning activity

The lectures will cover the key theories, models and ideas in relevant literature as well as the case studies and the seminars will allow students to engage in group discussions. The students are expected to actively engage with critical reading of the core texts in order to take part in group discussions as well as to inform the essay.


Method of SUMMATIVE assessment: Essay
Outcomes assessed:1-3
Grading Mode (e.g. pass/ fail; %): %
Weighting % :100%
Passmark: 40%
Word Length:3,000
Outline Details:Select ONE brand and critically discuss their marketing campaigns with a special reference the course materials. One or more themes from ethics, technology and consumer culture need to be discussed. Use minimum 12 academic sources in your essay.

Pre and co requisites

Strategic Decision Making for Marketers